FBI shuts down myredbook

Popular CA site especially in San Fran area

The FBI on Wednesday shut down a website advertising children for prostitution as part of a broader crackdown on the sex trafficking of minors, law enforcement sources told CNN on condition of anonymity.

Federal agents shut down myredbook.com in a raid Wednesday morning in San Francisco, and two people were arrested on suspicion of operating the site, the sources added.

The raid stems from a national child sex trafficking crackdown in which the FBI said it rescued 168 children and arrested 281 alleged pimps this month. Some of the rescued children were identified through myredbook.com, one of the law enforcement sources said.

The FBI acknowledged an ongoing investigation, but would not provide specific information.

This is seriously making me want to go ahead and retire already or at least temporarily disable my account. Be careful out there everyone!!!
what is wrong with people. kids....cummon plenty of grown ups giving it up for free and/or nice meal deal.
Wow! I'll definitely be changing the way I screen potential clients. That's scary! I live on Long Island, and girls get busted out here on a regular basis. This is one reason why some providers choose to go UTR.
This all of what I have come across today!!! Ladies please be careful!!! Gentlemen you do the same!!!


Then I came across this on here today........


And then this.........



RoxanneReynolds's Avatar
Yep....I was going to post today! Escort sites should verify ages like p411.... We shouldn't allow minors to post or be posted. I have nothing against the Feds and are thankful they are keeping minors out of the business, but closing down our site is putting us out in the street. Legalize it....keep everyone safe.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Popular CA site especially in San Fran area

The FBI on Wednesday shut down a website advertising children for prostitution as part of a broader crackdown on the sex trafficking of minors, law enforcement sources told CNN on condition of anonymity.

Federal agents shut down myredbook.com in a raid Wednesday morning in San Francisco, and two people were arrested on suspicion of operating the site, the sources added.

The raid stems from a national child sex trafficking crackdown in which the FBI said it rescued 168 children and arrested 281 alleged pimps this month. Some of the rescued children were identified through myredbook.com, one of the law enforcement sources said.

The FBI acknowledged an ongoing investigation, but would not provide specific information.
http://foxct.com/2014/06/25/fbi-shut...#ixzz35gAV8dEp Originally Posted by davephx
Interesting, I am a strong advocate for sites like this requiring more from ladies that decide they want to sign up as a working girl. I wouldn't mind proving who I am and what my age is (such as is done on P411) to ensure that minors are not on these boards. I'd also be willing to pay a small fee when I sign up to do this.

When children get into this line of work, it kills their soul and self esteem. It literally changes the course of their life, months of hooking as a child can lead to years of pain and suffering for the young girl as she becomes an adult. Also many of these girls are NOT on drugs until they get into this industry (and/or meet up with a pimp) so now they are not only child prostitutes, but they are drug addicted child prostitutes. I love my job and a huge fraction of this industry, but it does keep me up some nights knowing that the industry that has been so kind to me, is ruining the lives of young girls all across our country.

I support what the government is attempting to do and I also have to admit, I've never been happier to have hit my 30's, because ladies that are in their early 20's or look young, are just naturally going to receive more attention from LE. Every time I see a girl marketing herself as "teen" or "hardly legal" or "daddies girl" I have to ask myself, does she not realize all the unwanted attention that is going to get her from LE?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
This line of discussion isn't going to last long, please work your comments around the clearly stated rules on THIS site.

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
I saw this on TV earlier, but haven't seen much online about it. Glad I found this thread. To echo others, the recent "cross country" prostitution stings make retiring and taking myself off the map seem more desirable each day. LE is getting craftier each time they initiate a sting, making it harder and harder to verify someone as a legitimate client.

Bringing children into this is wrong, and the penalties should be strict for those who bring children into this business. Like many things, 'a few bad apples spoil the bunch', making it that much more difficult for us who are willingly in and enjoy engaging in this business.
Wow, that is insane. I also post (well now used to..) there when I am on the West Coast. It was definitely overloaded with "escorts" but to know that they're literally children makes it unfortunate but come on, the site didn't need $$ or information to run, it was just there. Any one could sign up. I've had situations with girls using my pics and when u speak to them, they sound young. I guess the shutdown had to be done some time.
Folks, just because the FBI shut down Myredbook does not mean they had underage women on their site. The buzz phrase "child sex trafficking" is popular now, and LE uses it as their excuse, but the truth is, they could be looking at an ad for a gray haired toothless grandma, and bust her anyways, and say they did it in the name of putting an end to underage girls.

The FBI carried out operations with local law enforcement agencies coast to coast and everywhere in between. After all those arrests, thousands of them, they "rescued" (allegedly), 168 juveniles. That is like going mouse hunting with a bazooka. But hey, they gotta have something to show for all that massive manpower and tax dollars wasted.
FoulRon's Avatar
Followed a trail of links and found an article that stated the FBI shut the site down on suspicion that they were laundering money from illegal activities related to prostitution.
That's the probable cause they are going to use to try to convince a judge to shut it down for good.
RoxanneReynolds's Avatar
Oh...so it's all about money? I wonder how much the IRS found in that pretty house they raided.

Heh heh