Nothing Odd Ever Happens in an Appointment, Does It?

James1588's Avatar
About a month ago, I had a two-hour appointment, with a lady I hadn't seen before, that didn't turn out spectacularly well. Nothing bad; we just didn't seem to connect. May not have been my best day, or hers, or both. Conversation seemed to be running out in the post-activity cuddle and chat phase, so I got up and got dressed, even though there was still close to 30 minutes on the clock. But I didn't get away quite so soon. Turns out that the lady also sells high-end vacuum cleaners, and she demonstrated one for me. At first I was thinking that maybe I was going to be offered a BBVCJ, but no ... I got a fairly complete spiel, a full rundown on all the advanced features. I was sorry to waste her time -- I definitely wasn't in the vacuum-cleaner market.

Anyone else ever have something completely unexpected like that happen?
Dude, you are way too polite....

But..... That is pretty funny!
That's some funny shit.

I wonder if she ever makes any sales.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Oh my gosh! I'm sorry love, that one is kinda funny though. I can't think of anything funny right now, except sometimes I play wenis with those big long roll pillows trying to entertain my clients. he he
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Would that have been a Kirby? Boy 'o boy, what I'd do for a brand new shiny Kirby!
James1588's Avatar
Would that have been a Kirby? Boy 'o boy, what I'd do for a brand new shiny Kirby! Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
It was a Filter Queen. I regret that I don't remember its attributes well enough to summarize them. I do remember that part of the demo involved taking the thing apart enough that I could see all the manner of crud that the filter had caught. And there was some sort of a post-filter that you could spray a little bit of air-freshening juice on. Hmmmm.

All in all, 90 forgettable minutes, followed by about 15 minutes that were quite memorable, in a bizarre sort of way.
pyramider's Avatar
What about the time the midget rodeo came to town?
Jagermonster's Avatar
Holy shit.
FoulRon's Avatar
All in all, 90 forgettable minutes, followed by about 15 minutes that were quite memorable, in a bizarre sort of way. Originally Posted by James1588
Damn, it only took her 15 minutes to demo the thing? Last time one of those ladies got in my door for a short demo, she was there for almost 2 hours.
At the time I was kinda hoping she would do anything to sell me one, cause she was one of those hot college girls that Kirby seems to rope into trying to sell them every summer. Unfortunately, the wife was also involved in the demo, so I knew that wasn't gonna happen, no matter how desperate the girl was for a sale.
FoulRon's Avatar
Would that have been a Kirby? Boy 'o boy, what I'd do for a brand new shiny Kirby! Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
At their prices, you'd damn well better do anything and everything if I bought you one.
hehehe! Too funny! An odd even happened to me when a gent brought his err - parrot or some kind of exotic bird with him. I was so confused!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
hehehe! Too funny! An odd even happened to me when a gent brought his err - parrot or some kind of exotic bird with him. I was so confused! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
burkalini's Avatar
I always look for a provider that can suck like a Hoover but that's taking it a step too far
James1588's Avatar
hehehe! Too funny! An odd even happened to me when a gent brought his err - parrot or some kind of exotic bird with him. I was so confused! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I would find that confusing, too. Was the parrot in a cage?

Did it have anything to say? ("Polly want a WHAT???")
That's hilarious.

I've sold Kirbys. Worst job ever.

I bet she just wanted to say she did a demo so she can meet the quota for her base pay. But that is still bizarre as all get out.

Weirdest thing that ever happened to me....a client had to stop dancing with me because his emotional connection was getting too strong.....this was our first meeting.