MSNBC - Sex slaves

I rarely watch MSNBC because I find them void of reality in their programming. This day they had a program on called "sex slaves" "the johns". They went to San Francisco and you could watch their sting using a police woman to catch men who solicited her. They recorded the conversation so that the gents had no way to refute that they had violated the law. Their perspective was that ALL the women are out there involuntarily and that most had pimps skimming the profits. They made sure that they ruined the lives of the gents they picked up. Not only were they on camera but they made sure the married ones had to inform the wives of the reason they had the ticket. First time offenders were offered a class in lieu of going to court but if they were arrested a second time both charges would be pressed. The cost of the school was $1000. One poor fellow from Switzerland didn't even realize it was illegal in this country. They acted like he HAD to comeback to either take the class or face a judge. When I get a traffic ticket, I can always plead guilty and pay the fine. I doubt they would have dragged him back here to face a judge or jail. In the meantime, his marriage was ruined. When I was hobbying, I made sure to avoid streetwalkers or back page providers just for this reason. I did my homework. Houston used to be a wide open city. Every massage parlor was a brothel. Unless you were unlucky enough to be there when it was raided, you were OK. Even then, I suspect the gents were let loose and the ladies arrested. Today, you are only safe if you use a site like this or P411 and screen your providers. Police officers with fake reviews are quickly spotted. If a hobbyist does get in trouble , he can post an alert which cannot be taken down by the authorities without a court order. Be safe! If you want to see what the sex censors are thinking and you have cable TV, you can tune in for a laugh. Please note that prostitution is legal in Canada and Mexico. Our neighbors understand that wasting police time on this does not curb it.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Interesting... Thanks sweetie!
I also saw that MSNBC had 3 one hour shows on recently. All three had titles and content that flat out says that all participants who hobby are scumbag, diseased, degenerate criminals. Nothing new here about MSNBC. Moronic Stupid News Bastard Crusaders.
gladius82's Avatar
I saw that shit as well. The guys in San Fran have the choice of going to jail or take some shitty class. I don't want underage, drug addicted or slaves as providers but it galls me that they try to paint hobbyists as scum yet every one is bending over backward to tolerate faggots/queers/homosexuals...or what ever you call them.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-01-2014, 09:53 AM
Sadly this is about the only thing the two ends of the political spectrum agree on.

The right wingers want to punish all commercial sex because they are still Puritans at heart who think the bible demands that women should be barefoot and pregnant submissive wives at age 16.

The left wingers can’t comprehend how any woman could voluntarily be a sex worker so they must all be sex slaves, drugged out, and/or pimped.

But though they get to the end point different ways, it is the same end point: brand every woman here with a scarlet A, and public floggings for every man. They don’t admit the existence of consensual sex for money because that starts to raise moral and intellectual dilemmas that might take them out of their irrational comfort zone and actually make them THINK. Much easier to blindly follow the propaganda. All of us must be coerced, beaten, held captive, drugged, blackmailed, kidnapped—or we must be the ones doing those things. There is no middle ground in their minds, thus no opportunity for sanity.
I was listening to the Tiffany Granath show (playboy radio) sometime ago when she said to a caller that women don't aspire to get paid for sex but that it's where they end up because of the ease of getting in the game. (Not an exact quote, but still her words not mine)
In all fairness I believe she was referring to SW's.
I don't want to be with a girl n that it's because of me that she's doing this because my money n perverted thoughts you girls feel trapped. Most providers/escorts that I've been with seem okay with the going ons, IDK.
joesmo888's Avatar
I saw that shit as well. The guys in San Fran have the choice of going to jail or take some shitty class. I don't want underage, drug addicted or slaves as providers but it galls me that they try to paint hobbyists as scum yet every one is bending over backward to tolerate faggots/queers/homosexuals...or what ever you call them. Originally Posted by gladius82
I watched the show too and I did not have your viewpoint from it at all. they weren't painting hobbyists as scum at all.. if anything they showed how they are normal people from accountants, to businessmen
ICU 812's Avatar
I have been disappointed for these past 6+ years. We have the most liberal administration with the most liberal appointees ever from Justice to HHS and all . . . .

I thought that we'd be somewhere newr the European model on P-F-P by now, or at least like Canada.
Progressive Change?
adav8s28's Avatar
Today, you are only safe if you use a site like this or P411 and screen your providers. Police officers with fake reviews are quickly spotted. If a hobbyist does get in trouble , he can post an alert which cannot be taken down by the authorities without a court order. Be safe! If you want to see what the sex censors are thinking and you have cable TV, you can tune in for a laugh. Please note that prostitution is legal in Canada and Mexico. Our neighbors understand that wasting police time on this does not curb it. Originally Posted by heinz5710
+1 It seems the accountants and other business types who were arrested for pay for play in SF do not value the use of a site like ECCIE, P411 or TER. You mentioned pay for play is legal in Canada and Mexico, it is also legal in certain counties of Nevada. Nevada is the only state in the USA that has them.