Lack of replies to PMs..

  • Stozz
  • 07-22-2014, 02:19 PM
It is surprising how many Providers do not respond to PMs. Each PM not responded to is a lost opportunity.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Each PM not responded to is a lost opportunity. Originally Posted by Stozz
Not true.

SOME PM's not responded to MIGHT be a lost opportunity. Many have been correctly classified as a waste of time.

Does the OP have a specific tale to share?
pyramider's Avatar
Dang someone sounds a little butt hurt. Just rub some dirt on your bottom and walk away.
Can't speak for anyone else but I always respond to gentlemanly/informative pm's
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Sometimes when there are many PM's sweetie and we are working more than one city at a time, (or other boards as well) it may take a little longer than usual to respond. I'm sure that many Providers aren't just putting you on ignore, just give them a day or two. It also helps if you make your title stand out with a smiley or something visual to draw attention aside from just words. Also, if you know she's on another board as well, you can always send a PM there as a double reminder. Just my opinion... Cheer up sweetie, I'm sure it'll get better
  • katee
  • 07-22-2014, 03:08 PM
I answer ALL of my Pm's. I wouldn't say that they are missed opportunities, should I not. Many are just hello, you are beautiful, you are on my to do list. Even when it's something like that, and I am busy, I will respond. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but it's the same as any business. You will get out of it what you put into it, and in the service industry, customer service/support can mean the difference in success or failure.
I would not have a showcase on here or anywhere, if I wasn't serious about taking care of business. However, with that being said, I believe that many are not looking to the future. Instant gratification is all that some are interested in. I am very low volume and keeping a good reputation is paramount to ones success.
  • Stozz
  • 07-22-2014, 03:32 PM
No state of confusion involved. May be the fact that we mostly deal with Providers that are just passing through.
surcher's Avatar
No state of confusion involved. May be the fact that we mostly deal with Providers that are just passing through. Originally Posted by Stozz
What, providers don't put El Paso as a great tour destination? Too bad it isn't like the old days when you could slip across the border and get a good time for at least half the price and you didn't have to worry about getting kidnapped or shot, although you still had to keep one eye on your wallet.
Yep those were the days Hunters Hill across from Del Rio and Pappaguyos in Nuevo Larado. Haven't been in several years as it is just down right Dangerous. As far as pm answers it is what it is.
It happens to all of us from time to time.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I tried the wasteland that is eccie California, reached out to 9 providers of 14 in that area. 2 replied, one that she wouldn't be around, another that she might. So I followed up with the latter; her next communication came a week after I had left her city, telling me she wouldn't be around.

Percentages of response are low, appreciate the ones you get.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I always recommend guys use 2 or more methods when contacting a lady. As far as PM's go though I think i'm pretty prompt in replying. And um every PM is not a lost opportunity lol some people PM me just to say nice tits and sh*t like that. Not always something to be taken too seriously to make me think oh boy if I send back 5 more of these he'll finally get to making a date.
joesmo888's Avatar
most providers on here don't check their PM's very often, then they log in to find 100 PM's and they aren't even in your city anymore. if you like one then you need to do your homework because they are going to be on other sites or they will only check their personal emails.
ck1942's Avatar
imo, many guys are equally at fault in failure to respond to PMs/EMs.

Happens regularly to me during the social invite process.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
No state of confusion involved. May be the fact that we mostly deal with Providers that are just passing through. Originally Posted by Stozz
That might be the problem babe. Sorry you have run into some unprofessional behavior. I tour frequently. I answer ALL PMs as well; even if it's to say, "hey I'm not there, but I'll be glad to PM you the next time I visit". Or I might say, "hey honey, I'm not there, but there's another lady xyz, you might try to contact her". I always try to make conversation with a lady similar to me, so I have someone to refer the guys to that is reputable.