How early?

How early is too early to announce a pre-booking/schedule on your ad?

Does seeing it early make you more likely to set time aside to visit a lady you've been eye'ing?


Are you more of a same day type of guy even if the lady is visiting from out of town only for a short time?

I'd love to hear many thoughts on this..

(so very sorry if this has been discussed before, when searching for the topic all I found were ladies pre-booking a visit!)
Satyrrical's Avatar
I liked to do a few days in advance, but I'd often get attitude back. "Why are you calling me now? Wait until at maximum a day before."

"Day of" notice? Fuck that, hope your visit went well. (Might be the scotch amping my current tone of response, but not by much)
James1588's Avatar
I may not be typical, but I'm a planner -- multiple weeks in advance. In no case did the lady involved suggest that I was too early, either. I remember once being asked to email again the day before, to confirm.

So, to the OP's question, my vote is: as early as possible is good.
I'm a planner as well. I don't like making snap decisions in the hobby. And when there is a lady that catches my eye, I like to have time to do my research. The few times I did not have been my few disappointing sessions. It is different for repeat visits but even then, I'll schedule several days in advance. Every body approaches this differently and my way works for me. Others have other ways that work for them. To each his own.
I like for a touring lady to post her ad atleast a week ahead of her arrival, so I can plan to be in town. Plus it gives the lady plenty of time toget the screening out of the way.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Day of. I don't like pre -arranging what is usually best as a spontaneous experience. That being said, while I have empathy for the business challenges of a traveling lady, I also believe in there being some risk. I'm kinda turned off by a lady that won't travel unless fully pre-booked.
pyramider's Avatar
The lady still carries all the risk. How often does the lady thinck she is going to make banck when she travels and then is NCNS and ends up with only one or two appointments for the trip? More often than one would thinck.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The lady still carries all the risk. How often does the lady thinck she is going to make banck when she travels and then is NCNS and ends up with only one or two appointments for the trip? More often than one would thinck. Originally Posted by pyramider
True that, I'm sure it is frustrating. But the person who is looking to earn is the one who should carry the risk.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It all depends. If itis a local girl, I'll let her know day of or week to 10 in advance. For the traveling girl, 1-7 days is good. My schedule drived when I can see a girl, so I need to plan ahead. I have the rare shot at being spontaneous. One thing that bothers me about traveling girls is that they only come for 1 night. This makes it almost impractical for me or frustrating.
i do it 2 weeks ahead. That gives time to book and screen Not every guy is on here every day, so it gives them time to see my ad when they do pop on.
Im not traveling if i dont have enough bookings to at least cover my costs.
And I FOR SURE am NOT one of those girls that post a thread;

"Im bored, what is there to do in your city"

2 weeks gives me time to book/ screen/ and tease him before our time.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-23-2014, 09:02 AM
It all depends. If itis a local girl, I'll let her know day of or week to 10 in advance. For the traveling girl, 1-7 days is good. My schedule drived when I can see a girl, so I need to plan ahead. I have the rare shot at being spontaneous. One thing that bothers me about traveling girls is that they only come for 1 night. This makes it almost impractical for me or frustrating. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
That generally describes my situation. 2 weeks is an ideal planning horizon for me. I know that doesn't fut everyone.
Skittlez's Avatar
My schedule is dynamic (changes frequently) so I rarely prebook more than a day in advance and even then I am concerned that rl will interfere. So I am spontaneous in my calls and if it's 'ok' - that's fine - if not, then on to plan B.

I do have outta town favorites and I like to see when they will be here. They typically post about a weeks notice and then I keep them on the short list for when resources and hobby time are available.
I like to plan ahead, get it scheduled and then have a follow up to confirm the day before
You might want to center it around paydays. Most get paid in the middle of the month or at the end of the month. So, announce two weeks before the wallets are full, then arrive when the wallets are full. Then, leave a trail of empty wallets when you leave.

Just a theory...
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 07-23-2014, 06:52 PM
I prefer booking a couple weeks in advance. It's just more comfortable for me than making last minute appointments.