Any tips??

seximisslexi's Avatar
anyone have any tips or ideas for my profile/website/signature or pics? Any opinions welcome, im listening
Dr. Vanity's Avatar
Speak to what ur highlights and delights are. I am a firm believer that in order for you to set urself apart and to sale urself... U have to know ur likes... To know the chemistry ur seeking and enjoy. That away u can grab those men attention and go from there. Good luck darling
seximisslexi's Avatar
hmm GREAT advice Thank you! I'll work on that
James1588's Avatar
anyone have any tips or ideas for my profile/website/signature or pics? Any opinions welcome, im listening Originally Posted by seximisslexi
I looked at your showcase, and here's what jumped out at me:
I also offer cuddling, kissing etc (extracharge)
Just one guy's opinion, and maybe your clientele feels differently, but: to me, some level of at least basic friendliness is an indispensable prerequisite for sex. If a woman doesn't wish to kiss and cuddle, it's time to shake hands politely -- and walk away. Without some basic Illusion of (Minimal) Connection, I'd rather buy myself one of these inflatable vinyl ladies ... or just renew my acquaintance with Rosie Palm and her five daughters.

Just my two cents' worth, and I do wish you the best.
seximisslexi's Avatar
Ok, I can definitely see that. Thank you, appreciate the honesty. Exactly what I'm looking for!
bistraight69's Avatar
First of all like you girls do verification of us hobbyists, we do our research, too. When I went to the different links that had photos of you I was unsure of how you currently look because they are all so different, like picture #17 on your profile. Maybe you could designate which photos are fairly recent? This will give us a better idea of what we are going to get. As far as your profile goes there is nothing that POPS in comparison to other girls in your area. What I mean is you offer the same things nothing different or special like Greek, girl on girl, couples, etc. For example I like a lot of DFK in a session and from your profile I couldn't be sure if you offer that. A detailed menu would help since you only have two reviews. Are you true GFE? In your preferred gifts you have $$. We know it's about the money, but we like to think it's not about the $$.

john_deere's Avatar
don't post pictures sideways. it makes it look like you're either dumb or lazy, neither of which is good advertising.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Don't use any "props" in your pics in an attempt to "hide" flaws. As guys, we wonder, "what is she hiding?" Be honest with your pics and let us decide. This also goes for photos you use. Don't use the ones from 5 years and 10 pounds ago. We want recent. Also, don't go for the "pro" photographer look. Makes me wonder what has been photo-shopped and what hasn't. I've become a big fan of "selfies". For the most part, they provide the most honest representation of a lady. Best approach is a mix of pics but definitely a couple of recent selfies is nice. At least there is one positive from Backpage-- the use of selfies

As for the website, make it user friendly, easy to understand, easy to navigate. Tell us who you are and what you offer. Don't make us guess. I know some will argue against it, but a menu listing of services available will always get my attention. Make sure to caveat it with YMMV.
john_deere's Avatar
Also, don't go for the "pro" photographer look. Makes me wonder what has been photo-shopped and what hasn't. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
this is absurd.

not all of us "photoshop" everything. it makes sense to advise her on what kind of pictures are effective. it does not make sense to make a blanket statement that reflects your inability to interpret images shot in some way other than with a cell phone camera.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
this is absurd.

not all of us "photoshop" everything. it makes sense to advise her on what kind of pictures are effective. it does not make sense to make a blanket statement that reflects your inability to interpret images shot in some way other than with a cell phone camera. Originally Posted by john_deere
I'm with cpalm but perhaps better to say, be careful of images photoshopped to a standard you can't maintain.

Also, as far as the extra coin to cuddle, and keep in mind I haven't reviewed your rates, but I'd include that in your normal price and then ditch it when/if you give a discount to hagglers.
Change your profile pic. The squatting position is flattering to no woman and should be removed from your pics. Pic number 3 in your showcase is adorable and will attract better clientele. Number 20 would do nicely, also. Your face is absolutely beautiful.. play to that. Your boobs are big and nice.. play to that.

Looking at your pics, your hips are at least a 36, not a 32.. put that in your showcase.. you are curvy.. you WANT to attract the guys that WANT curvy... so be honest about your hips.

Start putting money aside for pro photos. They make a world of difference. For every guy that thinks pro photos are bad, there's a dozen behind him that like them a LOT. Ask any lady that ever switched from selfies to pro... looooots more attention and business.

Also start putting money aside for a professional website. Free sites are fine when you're first starting out, but should be discarded for something better as quickly as possible. Orchid Designs did my site and is great and will work with your budget as much as possible.

You have two reviews already. Stop offering a review special. Just start sweetly asking all the clients you have a good time with if they would mind writing you a review. Some will, some won't, but stop devaluing your product by offering specials. No one wants to pay rack rate when everyone else is getting a deal. You'll forever have to run specials because the minute you stop, your clients will wait you out until you just decide to run another one because you need the money. Just start offering discounts to clients you like and enjoy. Make sure you're offering a deal to someone who deserves it.

Just my $.02.
john_deere's Avatar
once again, ms. davenport nails it.

and when it comes to working with a photographer, just ask up front what kind of editing they do. any real pro will be happy to discuss it. personally, i don't remove anything that's permanent, unless it's a tattoo request. if it's a blemish you won't have in a week, that's different.
FoulRon's Avatar
Count me in the selfie-hating camp. Half the time the pic is bad, has flash flare, etc., and the girl just doesn't end up looking that desirable. Often times the mere act of trying to take the selfie causes a very unnatural pose and look. Get someone else to take the photos, even a trusted friend, or photo-leaning client. It doesn't have to be a pro that'll charge you a few hundred for the session and tons of photoshopping. Just some nice simple, well-freaked shot showing you in your best light.
john_deere's Avatar
and, by the way, why do people assume that just because the picture is a selfie, it hasn't been altered?
Cpalmson's Avatar
and, by the way, why do people assume that just because the picture is a selfie, it hasn't been altered? Originally Posted by john_deere
B/C those who take selfies are probably not the types who would take the time to alter the picture. It is probably online within less than 2 minute of taking the pic.

BTW, I'm not anti-pro pics. I just think that if a girl uses a pro or takes staged photos is setting a very high standard to live up to. If she looks stunning in the photos, most guys are going to want that EXACT look when she shows up. My view is that the pics should be representative of what she looks like on a daily basis-- not what she looks like when she goes all out for a photo shoot. To be honest, the best pictures are probably those taken by a friend (non-pro) with little or no planning involved other than what is being worn or not worn in the photos.