Bidens total disregard for the Afghan Gold Star families is appalling.

oilfieldace's Avatar
For him to compare Beaus death to those 13 brave soldiers that died due too.his administration inept exit strategy is an American disgrace.

It has been said the military leaders told Biden what would happen if he implemented the exit plan. He did it anyway and the entire world saw it.

Why were the memory cards from the soldiers phone removed and hid or destroyed. What is the Biden team of clowns afraid of. Surely not national security, the fucking moron broadcast his failed plan.

I learned along time ago don’t tell a lie when the truth will do. That POS Biden always and always will be a damned liar.

The man has no honor, no courage , and absolutely no backbone.
Precious_b's Avatar
So, when should have the USA pulled out?
How should they have pulled out?
How much $$$$$$ would have been shelled out till the pull out?
How many more soldiers would have died until this pull out?

Inquiring minds really want to know.