Blair_Fox's Avatar

Since y’all didn’t ask for it, but apparently can’t figure it the f*ck out for yourself; I put together a handy guide complete with cute graphics and bullet points.

Any gals have any tips I missed?

And to the gentleman: you can decipher whom this is directed at. Don’t be offended if you are a model client, I am not talking to you.
ben dover's Avatar
Love your images!
Just another point for client screening. Don't see providers, who make a point to tell 95% of their potential client base to F off even though they know nothing about them, but only categorize MOST clients as unworthy. Look for someone who doesn't start up front with the premise that most gentlemen are undesirable. A positive attitude goes a lllooonnnggg way to an enjoyable outcome...
Pangolier's Avatar
Fancy shmancy, except in my case, I'm not looking for overpriced women who are 40+ years old and obese - no matter how legit they are. Finding a SW who is legit is not difficult, finding one who meets my criteria is EXTREMELY difficult, especially in the united states.
Debra Hollander's Avatar
Where was this from?

I'm sure the original content's source is obvious to many but I don't spend much time on the SW forums anymore.

Blair_Fox's Avatar
I created the guide. My sources are clients I’ve spoken to on the topic.

Where was this from?

I'm sure the original content's source is obvious to many but I don't spend much time on the SW forums anymore.

TIA! Originally Posted by Debra Hollander
Blair_Fox's Avatar

If you’re struggling that bad, imma assume you’re either
1) dumb
2) cheap
3) blind

Maybe all three. Get off ECCIE, for starters.

Fancy shmancy, except in my case, I'm not looking for overpriced women who are 40+ years old and obese - no matter how legit they are. Finding a SW who is legit is not difficult, finding one who meets my criteria is EXTREMELY difficult, especially in the united states. Originally Posted by Pangolier
If you have such disdain towards review boards (especially eccie), then why are you even here?

Why not take your own advice and stay off of them?

Btw, I don't consider the 3 sites that you recommend as legitimate review sites.
Pangolier's Avatar

If you’re struggling that bad, imma assume you’re either
1) dumb
2) cheap
3) blind

Maybe all three. Get off ECCIE, for starters. Originally Posted by Blair_Fox

Oh dear, I have a prostitute bossing me around. Except, it appears you haven't been promoted to administrator on this site. Why is it that you tend to make statements which lack validity? Tut tut!
Debra Hollander's Avatar
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. It looks as though it was originally posted elsewhere and this is a screenshot.

What site was it, where you originally posted it?
This was informative and entertaining but not in the way the OP intended. Well done!