believe it or not but sometimes retirement means just that

I've heard and read several comments about whether a lady is actually retiring when she claims she is or if it's just a ploy to get business.

Well in this lady's case it's the real thing.

I will be officially retired at the end of this weekend. I won't be back because it's time for me to start a new chapter in my life. I want to say I have met some terrific people and learned quite a bit since I've been in the hobby, and for that I'm thankful.

To the moderators: thank you for everything and I ask that my account be deactivated or removed on or around 2/13/2011

To the gentlemen: I will think of you often and miss the fun we had. i will be available until Saturday

To the ladies: stay safe and look out for one another.

GDLMAN's Avatar
I will miss you Sam.
Wow so many people leaving. Best of luck too you.
chipper's Avatar
I hope that this next chapter turns out exactly the way you want! You are a really neat Lady and I really enjoyed getting acquainted with you.

Good luck wherever you go and I hope your next chapter is everything you want it to be.

Best Wishes
FishGuy13's Avatar
Good luck in the next chapter of your life, and I am sorry to have missed out on getting to know you. Just a thought but how about retire from being a provider, but stay in the chat areas, perhaps even as a mod??
Good luck !
dodger's Avatar
Sam .. you are wonderful. Good luck with everything.
daddyo67's Avatar
Sam. Thanks for the good time at the Horseshoe in Bossier City! Good luck in life and your retirement. I think you are a special lady!
pmdelites's Avatar
sam, congratulations and the best to you in the next phase/chapter of your life!!!

i, too, will remember our two meetings [sorry we didnt have more] as some of the most deliteful and relaxing fun i've ever enjoyed. i will miss your down-to-earth-ness, your upbeat attitude, your humor, and your passion!!

i'm proud to say "i knew her when....."

kisses, hugs, and more!!!
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Sam, I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world hun. You are for sure one of the truly memorable ladies I've had the great fortune to have met.

I'll remember you fondly until I can't remember anything anymore.
Take care sweet lady. You were one of the best I have had the pleasure to meet.
demsrsb's Avatar
Thank you, Sam for being so lovely and classy.
My very best wishes for you in the future.
Yosemitesambo's Avatar
Sam, you know I will miss you terribly. You are one of a kind and such an awesome lady. Good luck with your new endeavor. And if you get bored..................
flowerflower1's Avatar
thanks for visiting us in college station.... you were wonderful....