Working A Stick

For those of you who could not get a hold of me this weekend, I must apologize. I had a bit of a car situation; to make a long story short, the car was totaled!

I am fine...

I decided to get another economical car (hobby car). It's a standard and I did not know how to drive standard before yesterday.
After surviving some angry fellow drivers and vicious curves, I am very proud to announce that I am standard transmission driver. Ever since I watched the "To Fast and Furious" movie, I've been wanting to learn.

I am so happy!!! I'm like a teenage kid again. You remember when you wanted to find any excuse to drive even if it meant running errands for your parents?

Again, sorry if I did not get back to you till today.

Muitos beijos,
I am glad you are okay. I still don't know how to drive a stick! lol
I am glad you are okay. I still don't know how to drive a stick! lol Originally Posted by Reese Foster

LOL girl ... if that is not one open-ended statement just meant for a smart-ass response, I never saw one Glad you had fun on your trip!!! And if you want to learn to drive a stick ... or just "ride" one ... let me know (guess I'm the first of the smart asses)
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your car princess! I must say, I always knew you would be good with a stick. It's like second nature too you.
Hercules's Avatar
Add some spanish-fly, little urban legend and we have a scenario that still elicits a giggle when it comes to chicks and sticks.
I recently needed a car and picked up a great deal on a usded Japanese model with a 5 speed floor stick. I learned to drive on a stick so it came back quick only killed it at a light once. The difference between driving a stick and driving and automatic transmission car is the difference between driving and going along for a ride.
berkleigh's Avatar
girl i hope your ok
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 02-17-2011, 03:09 PM
OMG! I hope u are ok! I miss driving my stick! Now all my cars are automatic! There's a strong sense of control and power handling a stick ! Wait...what the hell are we talking about again....hey, there's plenty of ladies that would agree or can tell u about driving (my) a stick!!

Hee hee!
I am not physically hurt... Maybe a little traumatized.
I am okay, thank you!

There's a strong sense of control and power handling a stick ! Originally Posted by Surge
Yes, there is! lol I think we're talking about both types now.
CoHorn's Avatar
I'm glad that you're ok, it's difficult to grope someone in a body cast. Enjoy the new car!
Red Tex's Avatar
My old roomate has a civic with a stick. She let me drive one time. All I heard was..."Why does every man who drives my car treat it like a sports car?!"
Good for you. Men are always impressed when I can drive their stick shifts...sometimes better than them. Some of the hills out here though....noooooo.
I'm glad that you're ok, it's difficult to grope someone in a body cast. Enjoy the new car! Originally Posted by CoHorn
Thank you, babe!!

It's not new it's prehistoric! Well I guess it's new to me. lol
My old roomate has a civic with a stick. She let me drive one time. All I heard was..."Why does every man who drives my car treat it like a sports car?!" Originally Posted by Red Tex
OMG.... I totally drive it like sports car! I see how fast I can switch gears without it turning off on me.
Good for you. Men are always impressed when I can drive their stick shifts...sometimes better than them. Some of the hills out here though....noooooo. Originally Posted by AimeeAims
okay.... I know I was suppose to do the multi quote thing.

AimeeAims, I am avoiding hills at all cost! I guess I'll just put on my emergency lights. When the time comes.