Showing the face, does it matter?

This is directed to both the ladies and the gents.

Back when I first started, I used to show my face. I didn't really care. I was new to the area, didn't know too many people and my family knew what I did. Until one day, my college professor pulled me aside. Let's just say I stopped showing my face from that point on lol.

I know a whole lot more people in my personal life now, 10 years later. And surprisingly enough, I found out by accident that some of them are on here too (males). But they still don't know it's me lol. I am contemplating showing my face again, but just really would hate for the wrong group of friends to find out I'm over here.

Some of my clients, and some providers, tell me I am very attractive and that I should, but I am hesitant.

So ladies, do you find there is a significant difference in the influx of your business, or lack thereof, between showing or not showing your face?

I know some gents really want to see the face along with the body. But does it really determine whether or not you see a particular lady or not?

Sooooo, should I show my face or not?

Thanks for the input.

yes! I want to see a face pic.
xperiment's Avatar
Meg is a beautiful women and her personality is awesome. But I totally respect what you feel is necessary for your own personal privacy and security. Another option is to send a face pic privately once someone passes screening.
@Meg I have been asking myself this very same question.

I recently have started to show more of my face and I must say it has helped.

Good luck.
what the hell's Avatar
I can't answer whether or not it would help business. I remember old posts from another board that it helps, but is it worth the risk? Once people in your life know, they know forever. You can't unring a bell. Doesn't matter if you eventually quit.

If I were in a similar position, I would have to look at it this way. What if every single person I know found out? How would it effect the rest of my life? If the answer to that isn't a big deal and you think you could handle it, then fine. If not, maybe you should stick to not showing.

I have seen you in person and I don't think anyone will be disappointed.
If you don't want everyone in your life (now and going forward) to know, then it doesn't matter whether it would help business or not.

Anyway, if it did help it would only help in getting the first appointment from someone. But the meat and potatoes of this business is regular friends. Once you get a nice group of regulars you won't be too concerned over how many new people contact you.

I know you've been to some of the socials. That's a great way to let people see what you look like without posting your face on the internet.

So ladies, do you find there is a significant difference in the influx of your business, or lack thereof, between showing or not showing your face?

I know some gents really want to see the face along with the body. But does it really determine whether or not you see a particular lady or not?

Sooooo, should I show my face or not?

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Hey Meg,

I've never shown my face and I'm just speaking for myself here. My business is determined by my service, personality and of course my reviews (love you guys!!) People have asked me why I market myself the way that I do and what I say is: because I can, it works for me, I like my privacy and it will remain to be that way for as long as I continue to hobby. As simple as that.

So, wheather you want to show your face or not it's your personal choice. What may work for some may not work for others. I think it's ultimately your decision to make and whatever makes you comfortable.

Just my .02cents

Ciao bella!
SweetKendall's Avatar
I just started showing my face and it has helped out... but its something you need to evaluate and see if its worth it... im sure you are gorgeous
boo-boo bear's Avatar
While guys worry quite a bit over face pictures, I do not. I fully understand, and support, not wishing to show your face for all to see on the internet now, tomorrow, and forever more. Once it is released to the internet, there is no going back, as you cannot close Pandora's box once opened. And there is going to come a day that you will be glad that no face pics can be linked to a body photo. If a gentlemen wishes to know about the ladies looks, read the reviews for a general description. While WALDT, then, if further information is desired, get screened to receive additional photo's. The gents do not want their photo's up for all the world to see, and I think that ladies would desire privacy for the same reasons.
JohnJohn's Avatar
Just my opinion but please don't ever compromise safety and anonymity.

I don't know if it is better for business but I love it when my ATF shows her face in her pics. She has the most mesmerizing eyes. Sh*t, now I wanna take a camera for my next visit!
gregory_m2003's Avatar
While I understand providers have privacy concerns showing the face, I'm certainly a lot more interested in ads with face pics. Like most men I do like hot figures. But for me face is the prime factor that determines if I'm really attracted to her.
IMHO, Yes, we have a very good imagination and sometimes, we imagine you are something you are not. (Not directed at you meg, Ladies in general) We are our own worse enemy and critic when it comes to a face that is blurred and we try to imagine what she might look like and even get different angles from other pics, and even ask friends that wrote a review and through PM's. (sometimes we get responces like, her face is blurred for a reason and it ain't privacy, which i think is cruel.) then you set up a session and you see her true face. sometimes it is Better than you imagine, sometimes worse, and sometimes exactly like you invisioned her. For these reasons, i can understand how it could impact your business through word of mouth or reviews BCD. So, to answer your question. YES show us your beautiful face if you can and remove all doubt. I for 1 love to look at a beautiful face and into her eyes during mish, or watch her beautiful face during BBBJ.

I look for pictures, but if you are concerned about privacy...then I wouldn't post pics.
Hotlips you are hot...if you are ok posting pics....I think you will do well!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I would prefer to see the face and I suspect it would generate more business for a providers (assuming that the face if attractive). That being said, it's not a deal breaker for me and I understand why some would choose not to do so. Still, you have to understand, that there are going to be occasions when, all other things being equal (which they rarely are), that someone will say, "Well, I'm on the fence and can't decide between these two girls. I can see this gal's face, so I'll see her."
michaeljohnson1970's Avatar
I understand the need for privacy and can respect if someone does not want to show their face. I am attracted to the whole package physically. I prefer to see someone's face before visiting with them. Some girls who don't advertise with their face pictures will email them to you after being screened.