Posting etiquette

This is a two part question, any resemblance to an actual person is a pure coincidence.

Is it proper to comment on a post if it veers off-course temporarily to keep an interesting conversation going or is it proper to not change the course of conversation even if it means the conversation will get stale and fizzle out?

Also is it the responsibility of a member to stand up on there own and enforce the rules of the board the way they seem fit even though they have no authority to self-govern?
tatasddd's Avatar
I think there is no place here for burger king, kumquats, insults, thread hijacks and personal attacks as well as posting fake information like BerryBerry keeps harping on the same string.
Loki Pk's Avatar
This is a two part question, any resemblance to an actual person is a pure coincidence.

Is it proper to comment on a post if it veers off-course temporarily to keep an interesting conversation going or is it proper to not change the course of conversation even if it means the conversation will get stale and fizzle out?

Also is it the responsibility of a member to stand up on there own and enforce the rules of the board the way they seem fit even though they have no authority to self-govern? Originally Posted by bigguyt
There is nothing wrong with having spirited discussions. The conversations can go down many paths for many posts .... all of that is perfectly fine.
However, when it veers off in completely unrelated ways and subjects, staff intervention or guideance may be necessary to bring it back on track.

Review threads especially should be kept on track (within reason).... try to keep it about the review. Leave the bullshit to coed and litterbox where more "off-the-rails" leeway is given, have your fun there. Reviews cease to be helpful if 90% of the posts are about member drama.... But litter box is filled with drama, that's what it's for- but that's not a free pass to hijack at will.

Secondly, members don't enforce rules or guidelines.....staff alone has that responsibility. If members see guideline violations they should RTM the offending post.
We work on a point system so infractions can be warned and then pointed....the more infractions means more points...earn enough points and you face a ban. Not all infractions have the same amount of points, some have more some less. It usually takes a good while to earn enough infractions for a ban....

Remember, it's an adult hooker board so strong language and heated discussion is more tolerated than nuclear or "forbidden topics"

I hope that makes sense.
lustylad's Avatar
It usually takes a good while to earn enough infractions for a ban.... Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Tatas is the exception to that rule.
Tatas is the exception to that rule. Originally Posted by lustylad
The ship seems to have righted itself in that regard in the past day or so.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Good luck with this OP. There are some people (trolls) on here who make it their life’s work to create drama and hard feelings through lies, distortions, obfuscation, deception, and any other means they can find. js