
Boy did I get an eye opener when I posted a negative review about someone on the other site. I did nothing except state the truth which I can back up with texts.
The girl in question made up a total lie about me being an hour late to an appointment. She has nothing to back up her statement other than she says it's true. Well the young ladies on the other site are lining up around the block to come to her defense. I would have gladly put up a review on the other site but I am not the right color to post a review. One girl called me a SOB for writing a negative review. If they had their way I would be totally ban from the site. I thought that the whole reason for reviews were to state the facts and let everyone see what really happened. Apparently it's a popularity contest if you can get more people on your side then your story automatically becomes
the truth. I know I just need to let this go and move on but when I know that I am100% right and her story is total BS it just pisses me off to no end!

bambino's Avatar
Let it go. Put it this way, at least you didn’t get hit with a hammer.
Big Stig's Avatar
I agree. How many more threads are you going to start on this? Ackowledge and move on. Ignore the dipshits on Indys and let it die off.
bkfantasy's Avatar
Boy did I get an eye opener when I posted a negative review about someone on the other site. I did nothing except state the truth which I can back up with texts.
The girl in question made up a total lie about me being an hour late to an appointment. She has nothing to back up her statement other than she says it's true. Well the young ladies on the other site are lining up around the block to come to her defense. I would have gladly put up a review on the other site but I am not the right color to post a review. One girl called me a SOB for writing a negative review. If they had their way I would be totally ban from the site. I thought that the whole reason for reviews were to state the facts and let everyone see what really happened. Apparently it's a popularity contest if you can get more people on your side then your story automatically becomes
the truth. I know I just need to let this go and move on but when I know that I am100% right and her story is total BS it just pisses me off to no end!
A Originally Posted by Horse lover

Try not to act like a provider who gets a bad review. You are making it worse for yourself. Sheesh.
Let it go, unlike indys we appreciate your review and you had a few people back up your experience. Now forget about the other site and move on.
Kind of why I appreciate the fact that eccie doesn't allow we ladies to comment on reviews.
Cuts down on the silly arguments.

You guys pay for the experience, do you care if you give a contractor a bad review and his buddies call you names?
bambino's Avatar
Kind of why I appreciate the fact that eccie doesn't allow we ladies to comment on reviews.
Cuts down on the silly arguments.

You guys pay for the experience, do you care if you give a contractor a bad review and his buddies call you names?
Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
That wouldn’t bother me at all. I wouldn’t do business with them. I would certainly let my buddies know about unprofessional attitudes with certain contractors.
Most of the reviews are skewed there and trying to argue with a hooker on that page is like arguing with a three year old. There is no win. Thanks for the honest heads up and be glad you helped the rest of us out just as we all have posted our bad times. If you play long enough in this game you’re gonna have some bad experiences. Be glad you weren’t assaulted or catch something. Let it go. TOS is a resource but as you’ll read here a million times the reviews are biased and there is no room for negativity there. Sorry you had a crappy time but it could have been worse.