I think we may have lost a member. Stevepar.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-27-2018, 03:08 PM
Sorry to place this here, but coed gets little traffic, so.

I think me may have lost the member known as Stevepar.

Steve, if you aint dead, please let us know, if you are, sorry brother, we had our arguments, but it was always fun and not hateful.

If it was you, rest in peace brother.

PM any questions.
Heatherlicous's Avatar
Hi Devo,
Thats why I just got on here, to see if anyone else saw it? I just saw the news, that was him. I dont understand what happened? It didnt make much sense on the news, it sounds awfully bazaar? Im so sorry, he had the coolest flyer on his wall, an original flyer from Woodstock! It was really neat! RIP Stevepar
Heather xoxo

[url] staff edit -pk
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-27-2018, 04:47 PM
I never met Steve, we had lots of back and forth going back to ASPD, and we always wanted to meet up and have lunch, never got the chance.

From the picture, and his description, not to mention he commo'd me once using his real email, I made the deduction it was him.

I agree a very weird story.
Heatherlicous's Avatar
He definitely enjoyed a good debate on ASPD, lol He new alot about music, he & I used to talk alot about that. I'll miss him for sure.

He lived alone as far as I knew. He had lil family. I'm anxious to hear who these people were in his house? Its just so eerie. I really hope it was fast & painless, Id hate to think he was in pain, or hurt terribly.

Steve was a cool old hippie who stuck to his beliefs.
I'm in shock over this. He'd never harm anyone.
chizzy's Avatar
wow, i'm shocked........ I have been friends with steve on indys and here for at least 10 years.... we pm'd all the time. we had complete opposite opinions on the polictical boards but always laughed and enjoyed the agruements. steve always got a chuckle how posters would be sooo serious all the time. we finally met for breakfast about a month ago at his favorite place and spent an hour talking. we had made plans to do breakfast again in march..... after meeting steve i can say he was really a nice guy. he had told me a story of helping a few people that ended up robbing him........... I wonder what happened
rest in peace my friend
Fuck, we went back n forth sometimes but also talked in pm about all kinds of stuff. I never got to meet him but he definitely was a good guy.
bambino's Avatar
wow, i'm shocked........ I have been friends with steve on indys and here for at least 10 years.... we pm'd all the time. we had complete opposite opinions on the polictical boards but always laughed and enjoyed the agruements. steve always got a chuckle how posters would be sooo serious all the time. we finally met for breakfast about a month ago at his favorite place and spent an hour talking. we had made plans to do breakfast again in march..... after meeting steve i can say he was really a nice guy. he had told me a story of helping a few people that ended up robbing him........... I wonder what happened
rest in peace my friend Originally Posted by chizzy
I dunno, Steve and I used to PM as well. We knew a lot of the same people. Mostly the old wise guys from the 60’s and 70’s. I will say he did have a mean streak in him. It would come out. But he was a hippie as Jinny pointed out. Never met him. RIP Steve Par.
Death is never easy to understand. Yesterday I buried a 58 year old man who I have been good friends with since 1969. Never met Steve, but REST IN PEACE!
laserface's Avatar
I just saw this on the news as well. I'm stunned... I never met him, but talked to him a bit online. He was certainly one of the more colorful and interesting members of our community, and will be missed. Rest easy, friend.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-28-2018, 02:58 PM
The stories were updated today, he and another guy were killed by the guy attempting to burn the house down.


One more death resulting from a failed war, how ironic that something that provides pleasure, is the instrument to his doom.

Well, if there is a better place, I hope he is burning one at the big racetrack in the sky....
Loki Pk's Avatar
Wow, very sorry to hear this.
My sincere condolences to those who knew him...
Let's please try to be careful with info that may reveal RL info of a member, dead or alive .
RIP Stevepar
#32 - On occasion, we may lose a valuable member of our community as a result of an unexpected accident, natural causes, or other various circumstances. The grieving process when these situations arise is often difficult and ECCIE has established a procedure to follow in such cases to protect the memory and more importantly the anonymity of our deceased member. A brief announcement will be made to inform the membership and honor the deceased member's contributions here without revealing any circumstances that may jeopardize the privacy of any of the parties involved. It will be immediately locked, and no further discussion allowed.