When did AMP $ go up?

simple HE now they all seem to ask for $ minimum is this the case of everyone or certain places? Please stop pushing the prices up lol
please stop going there ... The demand falls off, the prices will drop... Simple business practices...
Well obviously can't tell before going in. Is everywhere around upping their prices now. It used to be less than half of a $
Originally Posted by Bamaguy69
Those of us that were fortunate enough to meet Mia while she was here most likely realize what a rare find she was. I doubt we will see anything even remotely close to her again until her return.
I agree. She was pretty awesome. She started talking about wanting a husband. LOL any of the guys that visited would at least try to date her for a while but she said she wasn’t interested in meeting that way. Oh well hopefully she comes back. I wish she was the standard and not the unicorn.
Mia was unique
We band together on this thing we can bring change. What we need to do is have a standard that we all pay by and stick to it
Belfrybat's Avatar
I’m game house +40 L1
+60 L2
+80 L3
+150 full service

I’m game house +40 L1
+60 L2
+80 L3
+150 full service

?????? Originally Posted by Belfrybat
What are you saying?
Belfrybat's Avatar
Not saying anything Just a suggestion