A Boy

badhusband's Avatar
A boy was walking home one day, enraged by a beating he had taken from
the school bully.

As he crossed the yard, a chicken shot out in front of him
and he kicked it. His mother ran out of the house yelling, "I saw that,
young man! You can't have any chicken for a month!"

The boy was really mad now and headed to the barn. Thinking
the coast was clear, he kicked the pig. His mother came out of nowhere,
yelling, "I saw that! You can't have any pork for a month!"

Just then the boy's father pulled up on his tractor, steaming mad.
As he dismounted, the cat ran out in front of him and he kicked it,
sending it flying.

The boy spotted his mother heading in their direction,

"Ma, you want to tell him or should I?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
lol Bad
hahha.!!! PUSSY!! lol