To whom it may concern...

The Best Rest

It is not true that the best never rest; to the contrary, the best know how to rest.
The best love themselves enough to take care of themselves.
The best value peace more than competition.

The best know that a balanced life of outer creativity and inner renewal will serve themselves and their clients more than feverish hustling.

The best accomplish the best because they recognize themselves to be the best; they do not have to prove their worth to themselves or anyone else.
Instead of trying to obtain self-worth, the best proceed from it.

The best do rest.

The best recognize that there are more important things in life than wielding power or making mountains of money.

The quality of their relationships, their sense of inner satisfaction, and their connection with their higher self are far more meaningful than making a killing in the market.

The best recognize that the only true measure of success is happiness.

The best rest.

The best take time along the way to catch the spirit in the eyes of their clients, have a laugh, and overlook the minor flaws in favor of the bigger picture.

The best put quality time with their families and friends at the top of their priorities.

The best recognize that if they are empty inside, nothing they accomplish in the outer world is worthwhile.

The best realize that they are here not just to do or to do earn, but to be.

The best have learned that as they proceed from creativity rather than competition, material success and achievement will come in miraculous ways that anxious struggle could not produce.

The best recognize that they deserve the best, not because they posted the highest earnings, but because their worth is innate, and no outer achievement or setback could add or detract from their wholeness.

The best are the best because they rest not in outer recognition, but in their soul.

Be well

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, thanks for those soaring thoughts.

. . . I'm not sure exactly what it all means, but it's good to hear reason soar above the usual common fray on this board. Hope lives!

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Aphorisms? Yes. Reason? No. Fray? Boo.
I'm not sure who your intended audience is. Some of it seems to be meant for a general audience, and some of it seems to be geared towards providers specifically.

If it's meant for providers specifically, I have no comment, other than I'm thankful for the women I've encountered who choose to do this.

I know this can be an extremely challenging profession from a mental aspect (never mind the physical aspects), with few barriers to entry, and almost no training, except for school of hard knocks and ad hoc situations (mentor/agency). Whatever mindset helps you be healthy with yourself, I am all for.

But if it's meant for a general audience, I couldn't disagree more strongly with many of your statements.
texasmarine's Avatar
I think she's saying she's taking a break?

Not sure, but I like that as a theory!

The most esoteric taking a break post in Eccie history*!

* That I'm aware of, which isn't saying much
RoxanneReynolds's Avatar
The Best Rest should be the sequel to The Secret and The Magic. :-D
bojulay's Avatar
Speaking of best, I think Pete Best said it best when he said,
--That G-Damn M-Fing Ringo Starr--
WOW ...I'm actually horrifically shocked that some brains on here actually picked it up

and roxanne is one hawt sassy redhead
RoxanneReynolds's Avatar
Thank you, madam.
Well, thanks for those soaring thoughts.

. . . I'm not sure exactly what it all means, but it's good to hear reason soar above the usual common fray on this board. Hope lives!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Haha you just gave it away that you do know what it all mean

Aphorisms? Yes. Reason? No. Fray? Boo. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

I'm not sure who your intended audience is. Some of it seems to be meant for a general audience, and some of it seems to be geared towards providers specifically.

If it's meant for providers specifically, I have no comment, other than I'm thankful for the women I've encountered who choose to do this.

I know this can be an extremely challenging profession from a mental aspect (never mind the physical aspects), with few barriers to entry, and almost no training, except for school of hard knocks and ad hoc situations (mentor/agency). Whatever mindset helps you be healthy with yourself, I am all for.

But if it's meant for a general audience, I couldn't disagree more strongly with many of your statements. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Well it's meant for every single human being. Which I'm not sure if every single one on this board is. Scary I know but like Fast Gunn says, "Hope lives!"

But if I were to be more specific I would definitely say this message is for all the jaded providers/hobbyists

I'm so glad you've had some positive experiences ...keep it up

And I would be curious to know what parts you disagree with, perhaps I can help open up your mind

I think she's saying she's taking a break?
TM Originally Posted by texasmarine
Don't worry, you're not losing me anytime soon. This is just the beginning

Not sure, but I like that as a theory!

The most esoteric taking a break post in Eccie history*!

* That I'm aware of, which isn't saying much Originally Posted by proudoftexas
"esoteric"? or just plain common sense

Speaking of best, I think Pete Best said it best when he said,
--That G-Damn M-Fing Ringo Starr-- Originally Posted by bojulay
This is so funny that it didn't dawn on me before but @ Fast Gunn - the eagle is my totem symbol how did you know? Maybe you too have psychic intuitive abilities? :P

The Eagle represents spiritual protection, carries prayers, and brings strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit, healing, creation, and a knowledge of magic. The eagle has an ability to see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual. The eagle has an ability to see the overall pattern, and the connection to spirit guides and teachers. The eagle represents great power and balance, dignity with grace, a connection with higher truths, intuition and a creative spirit grace achieved through knowledge and hard work.

The dictionary of scripture and myth, describes the eagle as;
A symbol of the holy spirit, which flies, as it were, through the mind (air) from the higher nature (heaven) to the lower nature (earth) and soars aloft to the self (sun).