Asian women looking for sex and marriage with White Men exclusively.

normalguy21's Avatar
In Hong Kong asian women are paying 4800 to go on blind dates with white guys from america .

Read the article
The ultimate goal is a "K" visa or fiance visa to enter the USA
Chung Tran's Avatar
$4,800 is chump change.. an arranged marriage between an American and a Vietnamese goes for $30,000.
pyramider's Avatar
Better watch out some tard will say them Asians wanting white men are racists.
You will end up with some Chinese girl that looks like Margaret Cho who just wants a Visa to get into America and then chain migration to get the rest of her family into the US.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You will end up with some Chinese girl that looks like Margaret Cho who just wants a Visa to get into America and then chain migration to get the rest of her family into the US. Originally Posted by Revenant

stop talking about my wife.
I have heard of services like this except with Mexican women. I don't know the details but supposedly somebody pays you $30,000 to marry her. Sounds like a bad idea from the start. Eventually that money disappears and then you're stuck with somebody that you most likely won't like. Nothing but problems from there.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have heard of services like this except with Mexican women. I don't know the details but supposedly somebody pays you $30,000 to marry her. Sounds like a bad idea from the start. Eventually that money disappears and then you're stuck with somebody that you most likely won't like. Nothing but problems from there. Originally Posted by Clark W. Griswold
you are not stuck.. you must agree to support her for 2 years, that is, she can not receive any Government subsidy during that time.. after that you divorce, she leaves your ass with a full Green Card.

and you better be using a condom during those 2 years (if you get fucked at all), otherwise a child will be fucked up from having been born into that arrangement.
normalguy21's Avatar
I think alot of the reasons asian women want to move to america is that they drive on the wrong side of the road over there so that would be our side of the road here ,hence they would be not driving on the wrong side of the road here even though it is the other side of the road ,.

Now if she would just remember to use the dam turn signals

The road less traveled ???
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think alot of the reasons asian women want to move to america is that they drive on the wrong side of the road over there so that would be our side of the road here ,hence they would be not driving on the wrong side of the road here even though it is the other side of the road Originally Posted by slickahhughs
normalguy21's Avatar
Horse shacks cousin opened a 1967 to 69 camaro restoration shop and its called PONY BARN .

Pony barn on the same street as horse Shack .

Horse shack is a mustang guy .

Ricky the Big band Leader is a Camaro Guy

Horse shack -Pony Barn -

whats next 40 acres and a mule cadillac restoration ???

Donkey carts and scissor sharpeners Deli ?

Two Irish Guys in a park eating sandwiches is called a


so Micknic in the park after dark with pony barn horse shack 40 acres and a mule after school