Frustration setting in...

Batman's Avatar
Perusing the Provider ads for "Fort Worth" just now. First I screen to eliminate the incalls in Dallas (I know the rules, i've read the other threads beating this issue to no resolution, so that's not the source of this thread). So without mentioning names, of course, I pull up another ad with the location given as "Texas". I go to the showcase for greater detail and get it narrowed down to, "Texas", and with no phone to even give me a hint, she could be next door or a twelve hour round trip. Moving on...

Next up, literally, is a FTW provider, good, and clearly in the ad she states "Check my showcase for rates". Oh, you're all ahead of me aren't you? Nope, no rates, so I'll call, nope, no number.

Sorry, just bothers me as a sales professional, that I need to work this hard just to determine if I'm even a potential buyer. Maybe I need to learn from them; make it hard for my buyers and they will beat a path to my door! Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. Thanks, I feel better.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Maybe there ought to be an ad template required to post an ad. After filling out the required information, there would be an "ROS" section for her be creative.

Nah, that would make the section more user-friendly. Never happen.

It's easier for me to start at BP for Fort Worth, then check back here for reviews. It's even easier just to say fuck it all and call "Laura" or her crewmates.
Sorry, just bothers me as a sales professional, that I need to work this hard just to determine if I'm even a potential buyer. Maybe I need to learn from them; make it hard for my buyers and they will beat a path to my door! Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. Thanks, I feel better. Originally Posted by Batman
If you start selling pussy than it might not be a bad strategy.

Seriously, I feel your pain. However, I think a lot of guys make the mistake of looking at this business as if it mirrored normal markets, not taking into account some very unique factors that go along with it.

For one thing, many buyers here are making decisions based on compulsion, which is a strong emotion that can outweigh normal buying behaviors. The shit some guys go through in order to fuck a particular woman makes no logical or rational sense; they are simply driven to do it. This can sometimes move the power in the relationship from the buyer to the seller. It's almost as if some guys become convinced that a particular girl is a need, not a want.

It's an interesting topic that would be fun to dissect, but I'm on my phone and losing steam. Sorry for the frustration, it'll all be worth it when you strike that hobby gold.
TexRich's Avatar
Batman you should be frustrated or more or less nervous since Bane is going to break your back next summer!
Wheretonow's Avatar
Batman, I feel your pain. I like incalls north of 635 and east of 35. Frequently providers list "Dallas", and all of their recent reviews (if they have any) are from out-of-town. Even though it HAS been beat to death, it would be great if the "Providers - Dallas" section only had Dallas providers..
Guest091314's Avatar
I understand your frustration. My incall is in Mid Cities, so its a tad confusing on where to post...
Sorry you have had such a tough time, Batman! If you ever want to visit a mature massage lady who is a crazy redhead, let me know. My hours are pretty limited these days but since we are "neighbors", perhaps we could work something out.

Good luck to you either way darlin'!
TinMan's Avatar
I've had the same complaint, and recently asked in another thread what has changed to cause the women not to post more specific information as to location in their Showcases. I never got a satisfactory response from the Mods (and I posted in the "Ask the Mods" forum).
pmdelites's Avatar
batman, sorry that you didnt easily find what you were looking for.
like theBizz said, when i throw out most "business" procedures and look at this business/sub-culture as a free-for-all, then i'm never surprised at how women advertise, set rates, post photos, etc.

that's why "you pay your money, you take your chances" really applies to this business/sub-culture - since, there are no fixed rules/protocols, it's buyer aware and beware!!

even if there were a template or strict process for how and in which forum they post, there'd still be at least one woman who didnt select the appropriate checkbox for her.

my suggestion - see some of the fabulous women in ft worth and mid-cities then create your own gvha [go-visit-her-again] list that you can rely on. unless of course you are a one visit kind of guy.

hope things get much more deliteful for you soon!!
pmdelites's Avatar
I understand your frustration. My incall is in Mid Cities, so its a tad confusing on where to post... Originally Posted by Alecia
my suggestion is to post that you are bi-metro!!