In 2007, George Floyd put gun to pregnant womans belly

During a home invasion in Houston. Gentle giant myth busted.
winn dixie's Avatar
He has/had a long rap sheet
During a home invasion in Houston. Gentle giant myth busted. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
He served his time and then tried to turn his life around by moving to Minneapolis for a fresh start. What else do you fucking want? Funny that you've been afforded numerous "fresh starts" in this forum, how so? Because you're white and he's black?
LexusLover's Avatar
Funny that you've been afforded numerous "fresh starts" in this forum, how so? Because you're white and he's black? Originally Posted by andymarksman
Is that equivalent to aggravated assault on a pregnant female? And have you seen his "rap sheet"?

Andy .... in your struggle to be loyal to thugs and crooks ....

.... you get an F!
During a home invasion in Houston. Gentle giant myth busted. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
Was he doing that when he was murdered by the cop? If not,it’s irrelevant.
LexusLover's Avatar
Was he doing that when he was murdered by the cop? If not,it’s irrelevant. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No it's not. The nature of Floyd's criminal history is relevant (the accusations and convictions).

Just like the nature of the cop's 18 "complaints" are relevant (those confirmed and those unconfirmed).

People, who don't know all the facts, are accusing the cop of "premeditated" murder.

A jury should hear ALL THE FACTS. That's what we do in this country isn't it?

Dr. Baden, who did an autopsy of Floyd, has already debunked some of the media bullshit.
He served his time and then tried to turn his life around by moving to Minneapolis for a fresh start. What else do you fucking want? Funny that you've been afforded numerous "fresh starts" in this forum, how so? Because you're white and he's black? Originally Posted by andymarksman
Yeah he tried to get a fresh start in a life of crime so he tried to cash a worthless, check that's how he met the Minneapolis Police. Furthermore the actions of the Police didn't cause his death. Floyd had a plethora of health issues his encounter with police exacerbated them. Once that fact is presented in court these officers will be exonerated and they'll get their jobs back. Officer Chauvin will probably get thirty days suspension for some Departmental Violation of use of force.
LexusLover's Avatar
... Once that fact is presented in court these officers will be exonerated and they'll get their jobs back. Officer Chauvin will probably get thirty days suspension for some Departmental Violation of use of force. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I'm not so optimistic for him. The Feds will throw the book at him.

I don't know what his 18 complaints have been and/or disposition, but a Federal Judge will max him.
Yeah he tried to get a fresh start in a life of crime so he tried to cash a worthless, check that's how he met the Minneapolis Police. Furthermore the actions of the Police didn't cause his death. Floyd had a plethora of health issues his encounter with police exacerbated them. Once that fact is presented in court these officers will be exonerated and they'll get their jobs back. Officer Chauvin will probably get thirty days suspension for some Departmental Violation of use of force. Originally Posted by Levianon17
He wasn’t trying to cash a worthless check.

The police caused his death. It’s pretty simple, but for the cop pressing against his neck and back, he would still be alive. For the cop to not have been the cause of death you’d have to argue that he would have died while sitting in his car across the street regardless of the presence of the police and no one has made that assertion.

But don’t let actual facts get in the way of a fake narrative. Carry on
LexusLover's Avatar
He wasn’t trying to cash a worthless check.

The police caused his death. It’s pretty simple, but for the cop pressing against his neck and back, he would still be alive. For the cop to not have been the cause of death you’d have to argue that he would have died while sitting in his car across the street regardless of the presence of the police and no one has made that assertion.

But don’t let actual facts get in the way of a fake narrative. Carry on Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Did you see the footage when he was initially arrested?

(When will people learn?)
bambino's Avatar
He served his time and then tried to turn his life around by moving to Minneapolis for a fresh start. What else do you fucking want? Funny that you've been afforded numerous "fresh starts" in this forum, how so? Because you're white and he's black? Originally Posted by andymarksman
He moved to get a fresh start? I guess he wasn’t pulling guns on pregnant women anymore. He moved on to non violent crimes. A journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step. Bravo for George!!!! Should he have been murdered by an unscrupulous cop? No.
No it's not. The nature of Floyd's criminal history is relevant (the accusations and convictions).

Just like the nature of the cop's 18 "complaints" are relevant (those confirmed and those unconfirmed).

People, who don't know all the facts, are accusing the cop of "premeditated" murder.

A jury should hear ALL THE FACTS. That's what we do in this country isn't it?

Dr. Baden, who did an autopsy of Floyd, has already debunked some of the media bullshit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Clearly you’re not a lawyer because prior bad acts are only relevant when they have a bearing on the immediate action.

Having a penchant for abusive arrests actually matter when you kill an arrestee. Being violent in you past when being choked to death for something with no evidence of you doing something violent and when you’re handcuff, zero relevance.

But don’t worry about facts. .
Did you see the footage when he was initially arrested?

(When will people learn?) Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes as did you. All you can see was movement from the other side of a vehicle and you have no idea what actually happened. Didn’t look like a fight. More like difficulty handcuffing and getting him out of the vehicle which is actually pretty hard from a seated elevated position. Then he was seated against the building for a while then placed in another vehicle. Where it looks like he was abused or something because 1 cop was standing outside just looking in And a cop was also standing on the other side of the vehicle with the door open (what was the need for that) so it’s unlikely he was fighting or they’d have all piled on.

Then he was evidently pulled from the vehicle and 3 officers were on his back and eventually 1 on his neck.

If there is more footage, I don’t believe anyone has seen it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Clearly you’re not a lawyer ... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... are you?
... are you? Originally Posted by LexusLover