Red Dress Run

echoinsilence's Avatar
Just curious if anyone here ever participates in it, I went for my first time last year and had a blast! I'll def be going again this year. For anyone thats not familiar with it, I posted the link below. It's basically a great way to make friends, have fun, and get drunk, plus all money goes to charity!
  • HB13
  • 07-05-2014, 12:37 PM
Red dress run is always fun but the next 2 months will have other upcoming NOLA events which are equally fun:

New Orleans Running of the Bulls, & San Fermin Festival:
-Saturday July 12th. Imagine thousands of folks dressed in white with red bandanas, being chased by hundreds of "bulls" (roller derby girls with horned helmets armed with plastic bats) complete with Spanish themed food, and music block party at the "Sugar Mill."

White Linen Night:
-Saturday August 2nd, dress up in classical Southern gentile white as all the art galleries have an open house on Julia Street. Enjoy bands, food booths by local restaurants, and art gazing.

Dirty Linen Night:
-Saturday August 9th, you bring in your same "unwashed" white linen night clothes and enjoy more of the same art gazing and partying from the week before.

Mid Summer Mardi Gras:
-Saturday August 30th. Need a reason to go out, dress up and party like Mardi Gras again? This event is held by the Maple Leaf Bar by the Krewe de OAK roughly at the mid point between Mardi Gras celebrations. Last year about 20,000 participated in what I can best call a "flash parade."
echoinsilence's Avatar
That running of the bulls event sounds fun, I had never heard of that one surprisingly.
pornodave69's Avatar
I've been a few times. It's fun. If you don't want to pay the $50+ fee you can always just dress up and go down there. The fee just gets you in the park with free beer and BBQ.