How much can you Back Squat?

I'm interested in the ladies and gents 1 rep maxes on the board. Feel free to list your Front Squat Max or OHS maxes too Be honest.

Have a happy and healthy summer
Don't front squat at all anymore, but back squat max is 400lbs.. 20 years ago (college football days) 585lbs was my max...
Moonchild's Avatar
Don't front squat at all anymore. Originally Posted by Bigpapa1
I can squat double even triple this weight
If I ever get back into squating, I want to get one of these.........
LA Man's Avatar
Lisa what is your Max?
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Back in college mine was 720#.
#High Fives Australian Hellyun!

Squatting is a basic Functional Movement that we utitilize from the time we begin walking. Proper form in Squatting is essential in being Functionally Fit from picking up objects from the ground to Olympic Lifting.

Good job guys. Get back in the gym. Start light with proper form. U can get back to your college days PRs or close to them.

@LA Man...My 1RM Back Squat PR is 230#. I achieved it this month
My Front Squat 1RM is 195#, achieved this year. I'm still working hard for my Muscle-Up, getting close!

I love Oly Lifting. Thanks for sharing guys.
#Strong is the New Skinny!

bigworm8's Avatar
can u squat on me again??????...........
LA Man's Avatar
#High Fives Australian Hellyun!

Squatting is a basic Functional Movement that we utitilize

@LA Man...My 1RM Back Squat PR is 230#. I achieved it this month
My Front Squat 1RM is 195#, achieved this year. I'm still working hard for my Muscle-Up, getting close!

I love Oly Lifting. Thanks for sharing guys.
#Strong is the New Skinny!

♡LLL Originally Posted by LisaLyonz

Well since I am becoming single again I am finding the need to hit the gym again! I'm sure that you are keeping your awesome female form while muscling up. Going to have to book some private training/cardio sessions with you soon.....
Hehe BigWorm8...bring it in, I mean ON; )

@LA Man...u crack me up! A Muscle Up is a Gymnastics movement on the high rings. Google it. Any of u tech savvy peeps, feel free to post a pic a "Muscle Up Progression."
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
@lisa. Had some help from my friend Roid.
I stick to reps myself, havent done a 1 rep max in a while, but it was 550 when I did.....I will stick to 315 to 405 for sets of 10......leg press is better for me, again never for a 1 rep max, but 1000 for 20-40 reps is very common...
Lol @AH

Nice leg work Haya1300! 20-40 reps is insane; ur a beast!
Do you Snatch?
Never do front squats. Can do 315lbs 15 times for multiple sets at one time but lately I've been much more focused on my running so I do sprints on leg days now instead of squats. Squats tighten my hip flexors and quads too much and interferes with my running.
I'm good where I am now.. Not bad for a guy with one ACL and one mcl in left knee.. Two mcl surgeries in the right....