
Blackngold44's Avatar
I hate to be a buzz kill I lost my father who I was, close to 3 month's ago. Exactly 3 month's and 8 days later his younger brother died. What are the chances of that happening? I saw him 3 months ago and he was fine never thought I would going to his funeral. I hadn't even had time to grieve over my Dad. We were all very close I guess you can call this thread just venting I have been carrying this around for about a week or so I just needed to get it off my chest. I am going to miss them
DallasRain's Avatar
So sorry for your loss

My daddy was the most important man in my life till i lost him 12 years ago.

Hold close to those you treasure!!!!
holmes50's Avatar
Lost my Dad in February......know what you are going through. Something about life that does prepare one for the loss of their parents.

Will keep you in my prayers.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
My father died five years ago. We are a close family: I can't blame any of my adult dysfunction on my parents--they weren't perfect but were exceptionally good; I realize every day how fortunate I was in so many ways w/them. I'm still not really over it, sad to say--but that speaks more to me than to people in general I think.

My uncle, his older brother by 3 yrs., has never been the same. He's been dying of a broken heart for 5 yrs.--I think he always assumed he'd go first.
Blackngold44's Avatar
My Dad and his, brother were 5 years apart
Sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like. Hang in there