woohooo Saints vs Rams!

DallasRain's Avatar

and I will be in st louis so i will get to watch the Saints kick Rams butt
DallasRain's Avatar
now I am watching the game...and missing yall!
SknyDiva's Avatar
Miss you Dallas!
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Well sweet-pea the Rams truly do suck--they were an embarrassment when I was there years back; the only reason to go watch a Rams game is to watch them play a decent team. BTW: same was true w/the Blues--they were terrible. But you could get great tickets for $6.00 or so & @ the end of the 1st period move down to the front--the people who worked there would actually encourage you to do that.

No, STL has ONE sport/team they care about: their Cardies. And BoSox fans can say what they like, but I've never seen rabid-frightening-obsessive-love-in-a-creepy-stalker-way the way I've seen STL fans & their Cardies. In. Sane. And fun.

Which is good, b/c I don't like to think of you up in KCMO w/all those Chiefs & Royals fans. It's not NICE dear--those people. Don't associate w/them. Go to STL for your sports-fun. Just b/c STL sports-teams suck (yes, ASIDE from the Cards) don't misunderstand--I truly got to love STL during the short-time I was there. It got under my skin & I really liked it. I thought it was a wonderful, fun, unpretentious, blue-collar kind of city w/incredibly friendly people & damn good food (until I moved to NOLA, the Food Capital Of The Planet. Still if you can't be in NOLA, STL isn't a bad restaurant town @ all...). Play nice & come back home to visit w/all yer friends in NOLA soon!
DallasRain's Avatar
Well sweet-pea the Rams truly do suck--they were an embarrassment when I was there years back; the only reason to go watch a Rams game is to watch them play a decent team. BTW: same was true w/the Blues--they were terrible. But you could get great tickets for $6.00 or so & @ the end of the 1st period move down to the front--the people who worked there would actually encourage you to do that.

No, STL has ONE sport/team they care about: their Cardies. And BoSox fans can say what they like, but I've never seen rabid-frightening-obsessive-love-in-a-creepy-stalker-way the way I've seen STL fans & their Cardies. In. Sane. And fun.

Which is good, b/c I don't like to think of you up in KCMO w/all those Chiefs & Royals fans. It's not NICE dear--those people. Don't associate w/them. Go to STL for your sports-fun. Just b/c STL sports-teams suck (yes, ASIDE from the Cards) don't misunderstand--I truly got to love STL during the short-time I was there. It got under my skin & I really liked it. I thought it was a wonderful, fun, unpretentious, blue-collar kind of city w/incredibly friendly people & damn good food (until I moved to NOLA, the Food Capital Of The Planet. Still if you can't be in NOLA, STL isn't a bad restaurant town @ all...). Play nice & come back home to visit w/all yer friends in NOLA soon! Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog

thats why I luv ya...you always know what to say to make me smile!