B Three

Treetop78759's Avatar
Well look who is back...hello treetop! Originally Posted by B Three;
Hey there hun! Glad to read that you were thinking about and missing me in the other thread.

I took a brief sabbatical to work on my updated management plan. It's better than ever and I would love to have you working for me on my team.

How does maximize our income while eliminating the headaches of the business sound to you? How does never again having to worry about your safety sound? Enhanced newbie screening at no additional charge. There is so many other benefits when you work for me.

No. It's not TGTBT. I only have one slot remaining. Act now!
Well, thank you for your generous offer, but to quote Opie, "I got this!"

I am glad to see you back posting though.
I’m curious to why this person constantly gets allowed to come back. I mean he/she does not contribute to this site. Only thing this person is good for is being rude and always making ugly comments.
nuglet's Avatar
I’m curious to why this person constantly gets allowed to come back. I mean he/she does not contribute to this site. Only thing this person is good for is being rude and always making ugly comments. Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
But your presence makes up for the bad reps here.. keep posting cutie.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Well, thank you for your generous offer, but to quote Opie, "I got this!"

I am glad to see you back posting though. Originally Posted by B Three
That's exactly why you should join my team!

Unlike the toothless miserable man hating washed up hookers that don't have a brain and blame the world for their shit situation you don't and are light years from that type attitude.

You are smart, whitty and beautiful and could really help maximize my income.

Just think about it a few days or even a week.

Chow Bella!