Since our wonderful media isn't doing their job as per usual.

For those who do not realize just how incredibly horrible 5G really is I encourage you to click the link below it's a little information from a guy who actually installs it.

Oh yeah and the Amazon is on fire not like it's the lungs of our planet or anything so no big deal we shouldn't be freaking out.
1. lol@a tower climber explaining mmW technology and freaking out. there's a reason he's climbing towers and not designing stuff.
2. rofl@taking science lessons from a guy wearing maga hat seriously.
Good for you Alannah for taking a stand on issues that affect everybody. If you weren't so far away I would come give you a big hug+. All women need to be informed and registered and VOTE. I know that ladies on here can't express their opinions because there are a lot of ignorant racists redneck twit head supporters on here. Just get out the vote women and smile when they tell you how great their "chosen one" is.
I'm still loving the Obama economy though. Trump hasn't fuked that up butt he is still trying to fuk up the air we breath to benefit the donors that own him.

I haven't had time to read the twit storm today . I'm sure they are amusing though
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-24-2019, 02:29 PM
I like how he picked the brain, eyes and testicles/ovaries getting the water boiled out of them. What about the other organs, heart, kidney ect. And, another example of "oh well, as long as I get my weekly pay" I don't care attitude.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Didn’t watch the video, but I was at a location in Silicon Valley in the past two months where they have 5G in selected areas. It’s great. Download speeds in the high 30Mb range.
Didn’t watch the video, but I was at a location in Silicon Valley in the past two months where they have 5G in selected areas. It’s great. Download speeds in the high 30Mb range. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
speeds could be 40x that number you see currently. ofcourse if outdated regulations and red tape by poorly educated elected city officials dont slow things down considerably.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It may well be. But it’s so much faster than the sorry shit we have now, I’d be delighted to have that. I’m getting 45Mb or so in France now. Slightly faster in Switzerland.
Wow some of you people trip me out. But hey I did my part, yall think it's a joke all you want.
Tin foil hats available in the lobby . . .