Last night at approximately 1 minute past midnight, I encountered loud knocks at my front door.

I should never have opened the door.

To my shock and surprise I was immediately confronted and detained by several men in black.

They began to read me my rights but I demanded evidence.

They presented me with a large kitchen bag filled with no less than 400 used condoms.

Luckily the condoms were all of the magnum size.

I presented my tiny dick as proof that this in no way could have been me.

Of course I was totally embarrassed, but I figured better to be flush in the face than face time in the big house.

After the gents recovered from extended laughter, one asked – “maybe you’re a grower and not a shower?”

Then they brought in their secret weapon.

A gorgeous stripper with a huge tat of a parrot displayed on her right shoulder blade.

It was a very colorful tattoo and I gotta admit, the lady was smoking hott as well.

As I sat in a chair she bumped and grinded on my little lad until I was at full attention.

Then the truth was confirmed – no way my little 2.5 inches of menacing meat could fit those over sized prophylactics.

Whew, that was close!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, please take heed and stay safe.
So you're still doing outcalls. Didja record the stripper session?
Huh? Um. Okayyyy?!?!
I'm glad I'm just a troll and not a real man on here. I wouldn't even know how to make an encounter.

I even think my last revu in 2017 was fake because all I remember is just talking and catching up because she had been gone a few years.

For the record I have never had sexual relations with any lady on this site. If you don't believe me you can impeach me all day long.

Never can't impeach me because I resigned years ago.
winn dixie's Avatar
Last night at approximately 1 minute past midnight, I encountered loud knocks at my front door.

I should never have opened the door.

To my shock and surprise I was immediately confronted and detained by several men in black.

They began to read me my rights but I demanded evidence.

They presented me with a large kitchen bag filled with no less than 400 used condoms.

Luckily the condoms were all of the magnum size.

I presented my tiny dick as proof that this in no way could have been me.

Of course I was totally embarrassed, but I figured better to be flush in the face than face time in the big house.

After the gents recovered from extended laughter, one asked – “maybe you’re a grower and not a shower?”

Then they brought in their secret weapon.

A gorgeous stripper with a huge tat of a parrot displayed on her right shoulder blade.

It was a very colorful tattoo and I gotta admit, the lady was smoking hott as well.

As I sat in a chair she bumped and grinded on my little lad until I was at full attention.

Then the truth was confirmed – no way my little 2.5 inches of menacing meat could fit those over sized prophylactics.

Whew, that was close!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, please take heed and stay safe. Originally Posted by honest_abe
Just declare that most of your reviews are fiction.
On a brighter note, perjury would be of no concern.
yes, yes.. i have 363 fake reviews myself..

mr winn dixie will confirm and back me on that..
winn dixie's Avatar
yes, yes.. i have 363 fake reviews myself..

mr winn dixie will confirm and back me on that.. Originally Posted by honest_abe
Ah.......... NO !
tttalinky's Avatar
Damn.....thank God you came out okay. I'm going to use the same small cock defense if the men in black raid my place.
luckily i was able to muster up a decent sized sneeze.. that exertion allowed my little guy to "pop" out for public viewing..
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Sometimes it helps to have a small dick.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-01-2019, 04:28 PM
I knew this story was fake when you said they recovered condoms
hahaha yep..

i'm just poking a little fun about some of the "speculations" and shit going on in other threads on here..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-01-2019, 04:47 PM
Expect a blackout at any time today, I can survive a few years just pulling whores from H.A. reviews
i always do my best!!
Ghostrider's Avatar
Are you related to Peter Bola or any of the 20 handles banned from this site? Seriously. I don’t believe .000001 % of the stories on this site.