Biden Says if You Can't Figure Out if You Support Him or Trump, 'Then You Ain't Black'

  • oeb11
  • 05-22-2020, 10:09 AM

If the presidential election comes down to President Donald Trump or Joe Biden, the former vice president said the choice is a no-brainer for black people.
© Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Democratic presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden makes a point as he and Senator Bernie Sanders take part in the 11th Democratic Party 2020 presidential debate in a CNN Washington Bureau studio in Washington, D.C., on March 15. On Friday, Biden said "you ain't black" if you can't figure out if you're voting for him or President Donald Trump during the 2020 election during an interview on The Breakfast Club. Biden told The Breakfast Club radio host Charlamagne Tha God on Friday morning, "If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." When the host responded it wasn't about him or Trump, it was about "wanting something for my community," the vice president encouraged him to "take a look at my record."

That record is "second to none," according to Biden, and includes endorsements from the NAACP, reducing prison populations when he was Barack Obama's vice president and creating a sentencing system that's fairer to people of color.
Charlamagne pushed back against Biden's view of his record on criminal justice for the black community, noting that the 1994 crime bill he championed increased mass incarceration. Experts have said it exacerbated an incarceration problem that already existed, but Biden claimed that drug legislation was to blame and that the goal of measures in the crime bill was to prevent prosecutors from requesting longer sentences for minority offenders.
The "unintended consequences" of that was that a judge couldn't lower sentences below what was the average sentence for the offender and the crime.

As president, Biden said, he would insist that public defenders are paid the same amount of money as federal prosecutors so defendants relying on government-provided lawyers have better representation. He added that no one should go to jail for a drug crime, particularly a marijuana-related one, and instead should be sent to a mandatory rehabilitation facility. "We gotta give people a chance," he said.
Quinnipiac University and Fox News polls released this week have Biden leading Trump in the 2020 election. The Quinnipiac poll put Biden up by 11 points, and the Fox News poll had him up by 8 points.
Biden noted during his Breakfast Club interview that he was beating Trump in polls, adding, "The more he talks the better off I am." Charlamagne noted that polls can be "illusion," and pointed to the 2016 election, when Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was also leading Trump in polls and ended up losing the election.
Biden called 2016 "very different" because people "just wanted to change the system" and Trump was the biggest change. He added that "no serious opponent" materialized, "so it's totally different."

Biden and the DPST Plantation mentality just exposed his "RACISM" by defining his belief and that of the DPST white controllers - That Black Americans have no brains and no reason to think about the issues Biden and the radical; socialist DPST's support.

Pure identity politics - "You belong to Us"! Says biden and the DPST's.

I wonder if Stacy Abrams can swallow that - Uh, forget it

I wonder how SC, Creed , and others will justify their allegiance to Biden as Master, Owner and Overseer???
Someone beam him up.
Chung Tran's Avatar
this Guy just isn't going to hold up.. he looks okay in a carefully scripted environment, but this was minor heat compared to what's coming.. what will he do and say, when Hunter's shenanigans are put in his face?

I think the Party has a few weeks left, to overthrow him and present a Michelle Obama, a Mark Cuban, somebody.. meanwhile Trump and his followers call Biden feeble, demented, and worse every day.. Biden isn't hitting back.. why? it's not the high road, it's the "what can I possibly say to counter"? position. this is Elder Abuse.. he even sounded like a Pussy when he said he would get in trouble for going too long, cutting into "Doctor" Jill Biden's time.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Biden will win the black vote by a substantial amount. It may not be the estimated 90% that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 but it will be close. Trump is campaigning hard for the black vote, realizing any gain at all will help him.

Trump and his 2020 campaign team are trying to win over black voters, but they will fail

Black voters aren’t buying what Trump is selling. How do I know? I'm a black person who recently left the GOP after decades of being a loyal Republican.

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows

More than eight in 10 African Americans believe President Donald Trump is racist and that he has contributed to making racism a bigger problem in the United States, according to a new Washington Post-Ipsos poll.

The only voting bloc that Trump has in his pocket are Evangelial Christians and old, white men with maximum HS education.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Biden will win the black vote by a substantial amount. It may not be the estimated 90% that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 but it will be close. Trump is campaigning hard for the black vote, realizing any gain at all will help him.

Trump and his 2020 campaign team are trying to win over black voters, but they will fail

Black voters aren’t buying what Trump is selling. How do I know? I'm a black person who recently left the GOP after decades of being a loyal Republican.

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows

More than eight in 10 African Americans believe President Donald Trump is racist and that he has contributed to making racism a bigger problem in the United States, according to a new Washington Post-Ipsos poll.

The only voting bloc that Trump has in his pocket are Evangelial Christians and old, white men with maximum HS education. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think old white men with their higher education are the ones with no common sense if Trump gets reelected some will ask how you like your crow
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think old white men with their higher education are the ones with no common sense if Trump gets reelected some will ask how you like your crow Originally Posted by Hotrod511
you say "if", and not "when", which is natural considering Biden has an 11 point lead today.

why is Biden's lead so large? God Damn Joe Biden.. don't tell me "the Polls are wrong", give me a real answer. I think Mickey Mouse would poll within 7 points, why can't Trump do better?
this Guy just isn't going to hold up.. he looks okay in a carefully scripted environment, but this was minor heat compared to what's coming.. what will he do and say, when Hunter's shenanigans are put in his face?

I think the Party has a few weeks left, to overthrow him and present a Michelle Obama, a Mark Cuban, somebody.. meanwhile Trump and his followers call Biden feeble, demented, and worse every day.. Biden isn't hitting back.. why? it's not the high road, it's the "what can I possibly say to counter"? position. this is Elder Abuse.. he even sounded like a Pussy when he said he would get in trouble for going too long, cutting into "Doctor" Jill Biden's time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I know - he sounded very weak and defensive like a frustrated elder who knows he isn't thinking straight.

He could still win if he gets the sympathy vote, though.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Biden needs to be replaced.. his handlers can't control these outbursts.. well they did, for a while, when they kept Joe in his basement. I'm curious if this interchange will get any play on MSNBC tonight?.. it was splashed on the CNN web page though.
Chungs right. This is childs play to whats coming. It's going to be down right embarrassing. The left always says Trump is embarrassing himself to foreign countries. Can anybody see Biden as an improvement? The Dems have lost their ever lovin minds.
Shiela Jackson Lee was just on Fox News, and guess what. She said it’s no big deal.

Well yeh, Queen Shiela, you sanctimonious bitch. Biden could come out in black face, tap dancing while eating watermelon and you would STILL say it’s no big deal.

Why. Because even though he’s a senile buffoon, he’s a Democrat senile buffoon.
matchingmole's Avatar
That Joe...always saying cool stuff.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this Guy just isn't going to hold up.. he looks okay in a carefully scripted environment, but this was minor heat compared to what's coming.. what will he do and say, when Hunter's shenanigans are put in his face?

I think the Party has a few weeks left, to overthrow him and present a Michelle Obama, a Mark Cuban, somebody.. meanwhile Trump and his followers call Biden feeble, demented, and worse every day.. Biden isn't hitting back.. why? it's not the high road, it's the "what can I possibly say to counter"? position. this is Elder Abuse.. he even sounded like a Pussy when he said he would get in trouble for going too long, cutting into "Doctor" Jill Biden's time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

not gonna happen. neither Obama or Cuban are going to accept the nomination. both would be a disaster as a candidate. Cuban would be better but it doesn't matter. the DNC is gonna roll with Creepy Joe to the bitter end.

unless he has enough common sense in that dementia brain of his to die. does he use a food taster? keep him away of a bowl of chicken soup, Mary Hartman! bhaaaa

Biden himself isn't going to drop out because he thinks he can still do the job. maybe10 years ago. not now. so what would that say to Democratic voters if the DNC forces Creepy Joe out? he does have a large block that would vote for him over Trump as a Dem VS Repub thing but then again they also know he's he's an old plow horse way past his prime. two elections in a row the DNC pulls strings for their insider candidate. that didn't work out too well in 2016 and it's not looking good now either.

you say "if", and not "when", which is natural considering Biden has an 11 point lead today.

why is Biden's lead so large? God Damn Joe Biden.. don't tell me "the Polls are wrong", give me a real answer. I think Mickey Mouse would poll within 7 points, why can't Trump do better? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Trump is doing better and the poll aren't wrong they are cooked. just like 2016 and Clinton's "double digit" lead that didn't actually exist. Biden doesn't have a lead. the press says he does by calling a bunch of registered Democrats and getting 9 of 10 to say "Trump is a dickhead". what do you think a poll of mostly Republicans would say? you know perfectly well.

the press hasn't learned from their mistakes of 2016. they continue to overplay any and all things they can cook up for negative press. all while working overtime to protect Shakey puddin' head Joe. sounds like a full time job, covering for Joey.
Hotrod511's Avatar
you say "if", and not "when", which is natural considering Biden has an 11 point lead today.

why is Biden's lead so large? God Damn Joe Biden.. don't tell me "the Polls are wrong", give me a real answer. I think Mickey Mouse would poll within 7 points, why can't Trump do better? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I say if because I'm not like the moron's that like counting their chickens before they hatch besides that I have better things to do than spend my time looking at polls on Biden and Trump
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-22-2020, 09:18 PM
He didn't lie.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He didn't lie. Originally Posted by Trey

yes, Biden did. to himself. that's the worst lie of all.