Question for everyone

Well, I hope that I don't start a bunch of controversy with this thread, but I recently found out that someone I have been seeing for over a year is a provider. I've been lurking here for a while, and she doesn't get many reviews, so I don't know the extent of the situation. Anyways, my question to everyone is whether I should be upset that this has been hidden from me? Also, my question to all providers, have you ever hid a situation like that from someone you were dating? I'm just a guy trying to figure out the next step.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
That's a personal call...
simpleton's Avatar
how did you find out?
dearhunter's Avatar
What did you expect her to say......."by the way Randy, I fuck other men for money. But, you get it for free"

If you want to start paying her........bring it up.........otherwise, leave it to her to talk about it when she is ready.

If you have a problem being the civi to a provider..............that is your problem, not hers.

....................and when she brings it up, act surprised.
simpleton's Avatar

If you have a problem being the civi to a provider..............that is your problem, not hers. Originally Posted by dearhunter
The shit storm he could start makes it her problem. Unless her family
and friends know she fucks for money and she really isn't interested in a long term relationship with this dude.
ratboy jam's Avatar
Pimp her out...errr be her "friend" and take a large cut of HER work...and lay around the house....there are ladies on here that allow their "special friends" to do the same...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I guess I am missing something. Is there ANYTHING in YOUR life (past or present) that you haven't told her yet? ANYTHING????

Have you EVER seen a providers? Stripper? did you feel compelled to tell her?

You have been on this Board for 3 months.....did you tell her you joined a hooker-review board? .....and why did you join the board?

Ever "cheat" on any GF in your life?

At what point in your "dating" should she have told you about her ....side job?
1st date----too soon.
After a month?

Maybe she is thinking about quitting and it would be in the past

Maybe she is thinking about telling you and hasn't figured out how to do it

There have been MANY threads from providers about meeting some Civi guy, blah do I tell him. Most didn't intent to mislead any guy, but got caught up in something with a guy and then find themselves trapped not knowing what to do.

And what they expect is IF they tell guys like you, you will RUN for the hills.

Its ok for YOU to hire Providers, but ....

Like DH said, it sounds like its your problem, not hers.

If it bothers you, MAN UP and talk with her; oh, and get ready to share what you are doing on this Board....

It never ceases to amaze me that people on this Board can be so judgmental about someone else's activities.
Cousin Dupree's Avatar
I don't think you need us to tell you whether you "should be" upset about the situation. How do YOU feel about it? Figure that out and act accordingly. If you decide to confront her it will likely be one hell of an argument. Figure out what you really want and what you can and cannot give up and stick to your guns.

Some will tell you that unless you can afford her the type of lifestyle she has grown used to you have no right to ask her to give up providing. I don't feel that way but some do.

Some will tell you that if don't want her to continue providing then you are not mature enough to handle it. Again I don't feel that way--who wants their girlfriend screwing other guys?

So like I said figure out what you want and also what you can and cannot live with. Good luck to you.
Guest110713-1's Avatar
So if you tell her, she will know you are lurking on this site.. catch 22

What is the first letter of her name?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
What is the first letter of her name? Originally Posted by ibechill
TFF.....hell go crazy and just post the link to her website or showcase!
Ibechill- you had me on the floor with that one.

Wonder if he found out through the phone number on the review?
DaChef's Avatar
Go ahead and tell us who it is.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Go ahead and tell us who it is. Originally Posted by DaChef
WAIT! Ratina has been acting funny for a while now.....ya think?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
... I recently found out that someone I have been seeing for over a year is a provider. I've been lurking here for a while, and she doesn't get many reviews, so I don't know the extent of the situation.... Originally Posted by Dirtytinhtown
1. Have you been getting it for free? If so are you ready to start paying for it?

2. How was it that you came to be on this board? Were you trying to confirm your suspicions? Were you stalking her? Did you come here looking for something on the side and found out she was already here?

3. Did you find out she was a provider before or after you came to this board?

4. You've been seeing her for a year ... how serious is the relationship? Does she view the relationship the same way you do?

5. Does she know she is in a relationship with you? (ouch...sorry... had to ask)
Well, I knew this would be a little on the controversial side. Lots of interesting responses, I'm going to respond to the last one posted by TMFT.

1. It's never free, but costs have been strictly drinks and dinner, nothing on the side. Not ready to start paying for it. But when I really think about it, if that would shut her up sometimes it might be worth it.

2. I came to this board to confirm my suspicions after I noticed a distinct behavioral change. That and the constant accusations of me lying combined with her immediate reaction of turning off phone and disappearing until next day. Not stalking her. Also, if I was here looking for something on the side, I'm sure that I would've already decided to end the relationship and go strictly P4P.

3. I found out she was a provider after coming to this board. My initial suspicions started around the time that A.Net disappeared. Took me a while to find this board.

4. Seemed pretty serious to me, both swapped I love you's a long time ago and seemed like a pretty intense relationship.

5. No problem, there's humor in every situation. Yes, she knew we were in a relationship.

6. This is for Ibechill. Which name? Or do all providers go by only one?