Let's Be adult Provider's Lady's

Jenna Wild's Avatar
Over the past week i have let some of you good gents down , Like i said in the pm's i will post this out in the open Forum. I am not going to use any names because you ladies know who you are! I have turned down 8 eccie members in the last week due to Providers not wanting to confirm a reference, Let's be grown about this. one day we will all need each other to verify someone. I am not expecting this to turn into a long political Drama thread , And Do not need any publicity! I am who i am i do what i say. That is all that is important! So Ladies please remember be Kind to the new Providers around here, I am sure The Great Gents would get very bored if they didn't see new faces.

alhilto's Avatar
I agree, it is hard to get an appointment with providers if you can't get verified. I would love to set something up with you but I fall into that black hole.
Jenna Wild's Avatar
Sorry sweetie! If you can get a Hobbyist to vouch for you it's even better.
And for the remaining 7 Members that would also like to put a +1 to this thread, you will get 50.00 off your sessions once i get you verified.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
So how can I get verified?

carkido45's Avatar
They can't try p411?
I mean there's ways around the verification process but if that is your only way of screening Alyssa you're limitnig your self but I understand you must be careful.
Mojojo's Avatar
Over the past week i have let some of you good gents down , Like i said in the pm's i will post this out in the open Forum. I am not going to use any names because you ladies know who you are! I have turned down 8 eccie members in the last week due to Providers not wanting to confirm a reference, Let's be grown about this. one day we will all need each other to verify someone. I am not expecting this to turn into a long political Drama thread , And Do not need any publicity! I am who i am i do what i say. That is all that is important! So Ladies please remember be Kind to the new Providers around here, I am sure The Great Gents would get very bored if they didn't see new faces.

Alyssa Originally Posted by alyssa32

Don't you have your own method for verifying people? Seriously you cant really get mad at other ladies if they do not respond to you. It's your job to verify these gents not theirs. I've read reviews where ladies check their clients id upon meeting them, not that its a good system in my opinion but you have to give them credit for having their own system or at least trying to. I think you need to come up with an alternative method in case something like this happens.
I don't know if I was one of the 8 but....

Guest091710's Avatar
Wow, this would have been better kept in the girls room or private pm's. Just sayin, and at some point You have to decide to take risk based on the information You gather, not just trusting another provider who took her own risk. FYI getting busted for Your first offense is just a misdemeanor. Secondly verifying their work and having them register the room, as well as working earlier hours in daylight if possible are ways to help ensure Your safety. Also i have shown up early to watch said client, knowing who i will be on the other side of the door when it opens helps me. Also watching the surrounding area for anything that may set off alarms when Your not suppose to be there yet. The list goes on, but common sense and gut instinct always make my last call.

To be further honest this time of year has proved to be slow for some of us girls who have been around a while. Don't worry i was "dejour" once myself too. Your time will come and expire as most are OTO. Best be saving. i do give references when i can, However considering i have seen literally 100's of hobbiesst, it becomes harder then one may think.
Guest110713-1's Avatar
I would love to set something up with you but I fall into that black hole. Originally Posted by alhilto
Pardon the pun you referring to her NBA policy

Kidding aside

I always thought that some ladies despised giving references because it was a lost of business. Kinda like going to a titty bar and asking your favorite dancer "Introduce me to that new hot girl so I can spend all my money on her instead of you"
I think it's kind of good for the guys to know if the providers they use won't vouch for them

New guys here depend on this to get started. Why should this thread be anywhere but where it is.
Guest091710's Avatar
bc its confrontational to address fellow provider with the "lets be adults here tone" while asking for their help, and boasting about turning down 8 clients because shes in the wrong business, is just that boasting. If she has no ability to screen, and take her safety into her own hands, then she is clearly going to have major problems with all aspects of this. Not trying to be a B or start another dog pile, i think i gave her some sound good advice.

Lets not insinuate Your co workers are childish though and THEN ask them to fill out Your report. BTW i am not one of the providers she is talking about. i do give references, and even suggest other ladies from time to time. It does become hard to remember everyone You have ever seen. i try not to keep a paper trail so i don't write it down, and delete all private emails weekly, so it does become hard to just vouch for someone.

i encourage my guys especially newbies i see to write reviews, so that they create a profile for them self. As well as encourage great service by a provider knowing Your going to write a review. i tell them all the same pls feel free to use me as a reference, i screen calls, so leave a vm and ill return the call promptly, as well as encourage a review. So many do not realize the power of review, until its explained to them. Also serves as a guys reference. i think many of my OTO clients would appreciate the total discretion.
+1 for my big head and +1 for my other head.....this is the perfect thread area.

getting verified is why and how we do what we do when we do it. I am not one to go pay p411 or any other agency to keep my information. heck apple computers, government agencies, banks, credit cards....etc....all get hacked. What happens when these provider reference ones do the same?

50 bucks off.....am I one the lucky 8? how bout a social first then the date.
I say guys deserve to know if a certain provider won't vouch for them. If it happened to me I damn sure wouldn't see that provider again
Guest091710's Avatar
With all due respect that is fine, i am saying that communication between all 3 party's in private would be the adult way of settling it. i would definitely have been honest and said such provider wont verify You, but to the client requesting, not the whole board. Definitely would have left out the insinuations of being childish when asking for someones help. Only took the time to reply to try to help her out, as she has been really struggling with this. It can all be very overwhelming in the beginning.
Guest091710's Avatar
Pardon the pun you referring to her NBA policy

Kidding aside

I always thought that some ladies despised giving references because it was a lost of business. Kinda like going to a titty bar and asking your favorite dancer "Introduce me to that new hot girl so I can spend all my money on her instead of you" Originally Posted by ibechill
i dont despise giving references bc its a loss of business, its the actual opposite, You will lose a client if You fail to vouch for him, just as fast. It can sometimes just be overwhelming to remember all the clients You have seen.