The List Of Democrats Not Attending Inaugration Growing...

I was just watching Fox News at lunch, and the number is at 53.

Spoiled Brats.

Take your security blankets and coloring books, head for the nearest corner in your room, curl up in the fetal position and sulk.

goodman0422's Avatar
Trump must be devastated.
LexusLover's Avatar
Does anyone really care? I mean REALLY CARE?

I was just watching Fox News at lunch, and the number is at 53.

Spoiled Brats.

Take your security blankets and coloring books, head for the nearest corner in your room, curl up in the fetal position and sulk.

And remember..........HILLARY IS NOT GOING TO BE PRESIDENT!! Originally Posted by Jackie S
How many of those 53 will proclaim during their next election run about how they " reach across the aisle" to get legislation done ? Typical lyin libs with their childish actions. Imagine the howls of " unfair " , like on a schoolyard playground, if Trump were to say " Any new bills with these folks' names on them will be VETOED " ?
lustylad's Avatar
Does anyone really care? I mean REALLY CARE? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, I care. What's the historical precedent for this? I'm pretty sure there is none. Political opponents in this country have always known how to put aside differences for one day and come together to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power to a new POTUS. The Democrats keep defining our politics down, breaking all rules and traditions in their race to the bottom. This is just the latest example. Then they bitch and act surprised and indignant when the Republicans say "we can play that game too" and respond in kind.

Good job, Dimotards! Keep unraveling the ties that are supposed to bind us together!
This has cut both ways with each party I am sorry to say.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Fuck'em! Who needs'em?

Maybe their home districts will feel the same way come next election day.
lustylad's Avatar
This has cut both ways with each party I am sorry to say. Originally Posted by wordup666
You're missing my point. The Dems are the trailblazers. They're the ones who created the Biden Rule whereby it became acceptable to block confirmation of Supreme Court nominees during a Presidential election year, then they bitched when Republicans followed this new rule. They're the ones who invoked the "nuclear option" in Harry Reid's Senate to stack the federal Courts - now watch them yell foul when Republicans take advantage of it to push through nominees under Trump. And they're the ones who are now pushing their elected representatives to boycott a Presidential Inauguration, setting yet another sad new low in partisan spitefulness!

Those are just 3 examples, but there are many others. Like I said, the Democrats are LEADING this race to the bottom.
Do past Presidents traditionally attend the Inauguration? That would be so cool if Bill attended and Hillary had to be there. If so, I may actually watch. I hope the Secret Service checks her for a suicide vest.
Budman's Avatar
This has cut both ways with each party I am sorry to say. Originally Posted by wordup666
I don't remember the republicans not showing up for the current HNIC inauguration. I guarantee you that the right was just as dismayed over his election as the left is now. The difference is acting like a patriotic adult or a spoiled little brat.
Lewis is a LIAR!

RACIST...emoji --->
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-17-2017, 05:27 PM
Yeah, I care. What's the historical precedent for this? I'm pretty sure there is none. Political opponents in this country have always known how to put aside differences for one day and come together to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power to a new POTUS. The Democrats keep defining our politics down, breaking all rules and traditions in their race to the bottom. This is just the latest example. Then they bitch and act surprised and indignant when the Republicans say "we can play that game too" and respond in kind.

Good job, Dimotards! Keep unraveling the ties that are supposed to bind us together! Originally Posted by lustylad
Spot on.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Do past Presidents traditionally attend the Inauguration? That would be so cool if Bill attended and Hillary had to be there. If so, I may actually watch. I hope the Secret Service checks her for a suicide vest. Originally Posted by gnadfly
they said they will be there
Fuck'em! Who needs'em?

Maybe their home districts will feel the same way come next election day. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That's it. Their arrogance will come back to haunt them in the future.

0zombie DemonicRats have a history of boycotting Republican inaugurations...

Schultz says the last time the United States had a significant number of lawmakers boycott the presidential inauguration was in March 1861 when Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office.