Trump's Spiritual Advisor Wants You To Send Her Up To 1 Month’s Pay Or Face ‘Consequences’ From God

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just can't make this shit up....Trump is a total fraud and Charlatan we all get his bullshit ass female pastor is fleecing the flock as well....You fuckers deserve this kind of fleecing...I hope she bankrupts all you stupid fuckers..all you Trump supporters....hahahahahahaha

Paula White claims this “seed” money will lead to wealth.

Paula White, a prosperity gospel preacher with close ties to President Donald Trump, is calling on followers to send her donations of up to one month’s salary. Those who don’t pay up could face “consequences” from God as he demands the dough as a “first fruits” offering.

“The reason is God lays claim to all firsts,” White wrote on her website. “So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God.”

In this case, the “firsts” are money, which “supernaturally unlocks amazing opportunity, blessing, favor and divine order for your life.”

White, who is chairwoman of Trump’s evangelical advisory committee, claims she contributes a month’s pay every year as a “seed,” which according to prosperity gospel is supposed to grow into riches and other blessings. She’s also calling on others to contribute their own firsts, in the form of wages for a day, week or entire month:
“When you honor this principle it provides the foundation and structure for God’s blessings and promises in your life, it unlocks deep dimensions of spiritual truths that literally transform your life! When you apply this everything comes in divine alignment for His plan and promises for you. When you don’t honor it, whether through ignorance or direct disobedience there are consequences.”
While White said these firsts “belong to God and God alone,” she wants them sent to her in the form of offerings to her ministries.

White delivered a prayer at Trump’s inauguration, where she called on God to give the president “the confidence to lead us in justice and righteousness, and the compassion to yield to our better angels.”
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Look at these Pathetic FUCK BOYS....hahaha all these low-life sons of bitches are going to fucking burn in hell...ahahaha What a muthafuckin joke they are with these gotdam bullshit ass prayers...Now say Amen to that shit

But it's okay for odummer's " race relations expert" Reverend (ahem ) Al Sharptongue to EXTORT MONEY from Michael Brown's family and the other thugs that challenged the Police and paid for their stupidity with their lives, RIGHT PERFESSER PETER PUFFER !
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