I've recently taken an interest in handguns...but I don't know much about them.
Any recommendations or advice?
I was thinking about getting a Ruger .357 magnum with a snub nose & laser sight. But I have heard it's not extremely accurate.
Before chosing your gun, first you need to decide what purpose you had in mind for it. Is this for self-defense, sport, target shooting, ect? A Ruger snub nose is a fine weapon, but it has its limitations.+1 on the above. Snub nose is a nice fit for the purse, but unless the target is a few feet away (panic mode), there is a good chance of a miss. Four to six inch barrel is a better option, as you can confidantly nail the target across a room or down a hallway with some level of accuracy.
As a self defense weapon, the classic snub nose (usually a 2-inch barrel) is primarily intended for close up work. The laser pointer is not going to be much use because you won't have time to aim in such a situation; you will likely be firing from the hip or sticking it in someone's gut. Snubbies are generally innacurate beyond 15 feet anyway. Plus a pointer can snag in a quckdraw situation. (Incidently, I have a .357 Ruger GP100 with a standard six inch barrel which is extremely accurate. Any snub-nose is going to reduce your range and accuracy).
Here are your advantages: Snub nose revolvers are easier to conceal and they are reliable (mainly, in that they cannot jam). Here are your disadvantages: A short barrel makes for less balance and thus more recoil. Revolvers are also loud, and they have limited ammo. Most importantly, revolvers have no safeties. Once she's cocked, she's ready to rock. Not a good idea to carry unhosltered or jangling around in a purse.
Lastly, if you load it with .357M, make sure you use hollowpoints and not steel jackets or ball ammo, or you will shoot right through a house. Better to leave the round bouncing around in your target than in the kid next door. Originally Posted by Caligula