Edit Ad for Provider Ad in Tyler.

We no longer have the edit button so I need to stay one more day in Tyler. Sweet Julie, under PROVIDER ADS, in North and East Texas. I am in Tyler and I need to stay until THURSDAY LATE AFTERNOON.

So sorry but I have appointments on Thursday and need to post I will be here.

Thank you.....
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
SJ: Iffin you need to make changes after the edit period has passed, just PM your little OLD mod. You could also post in Coed that you're staying a tad longer than anticipated. Just make sure it don't sound like an ad.

I'll tend to fixin your ad.

What is the email address for the mod group in this area?
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
What is the email address for the mod group in this area?
Eastbumfuck@eccie.net? Originally Posted by cpi3000
CPI: you're pretty close it's:
