Fort Lauderdale help?

What in the world is going on with the hotel prices in Fort Lauderdale this week $800 bucks for some $300 and $400 for most of the kinds I like to frequent. Is there some kind of high price hotty convention in town or what? Forcing me to look in Baca Raton and other areas sad. THANK GOODNESS FOR POINTS cause Friday and Saturday Prices & Availability GET OFF THE GAS PLEASE
I found the answer.. The darn Boat Show.
And if you're curious as to why hotels are expensive next month, the answer is the Super Bowl.
And if you're curious as to why hotels are expensive next month, the answer is the Super Bowl. Originally Posted by bostonredsox
Generally this time of year when its cold up north the rates go up 20 to 30%. with the boat show and superbowl week rates are going nuts. Visit the Keys. plenty of clientele and cheaper room.