One and Done

No, the title does not refer to the inability to achieve MSOG.

It refers to the NBA allowing college basketball players to turn pro after their freshman year. The team that just took Kentucky to the NCAA final game started 5 freshmen, most of whom are not expected to hang around in school for another year.

At a time when big-time college sports is accused of being primarily an entertainment business in which the "performers" are exploited and are the only people not getting handsomely paid, the "one and out" provision is the most blatant evidence of the hypocritical facade of the NCAA insisting that they are nurturing student-athletes.
Thought I heard NCAA and NBA working on an age minimum of 20 y/o before being able to be drafted. Guess that means 2 and done.
pyramider's Avatar
One and done is not a NCAA rule, its a NBA rule. Franckly, I believe its hurting both product, and the kids, too.