Obama World

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Yesterday, December 11th, I was told about an attack on Pearl Harbor by some Asian military forces over the weekend. Many have blamed the Japanese but we should not rush to judgement. Just because the Japanese Emperor has declared war on the United States is no reason for us to act prematurely. Still, Americans have died and the FBI has told me about a film, a racist film that has incited the Japanese people. I would like to apologize for that film but ask the Japanese to understand the American idea of free speech. None the less, the film maker has been taken into custody.
At this time we have no plan to deal with hostilities in the Pacific but my military advisors are working on it. No one can deny that America will take some action to defend against any aggression by any country. To this end I have tasked the FBI to gather evidence of the crime and have asked my attorney general to prepare a case against those responsible. I have asked the IRS to go over the records of those racist individuals who think that war with Japan, Germany, and Italy is absoluteley necessary. Such negativity can only hurt this great nation.
I am not here to ask anything of this Congress because I have the power to do what is necessary with my pen and a phone. So thank, have a good day, and I don't want to miss my tee time.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Asian Americans are severely offended by that characterization. Best to refer to it as an "undocumented trespass".