Surprises....can be great

Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
I want to hear your best surprise story....from women and men... Good stories that were unexpected.

So I am seeing my massage lady for the 10th time or so. She gives a great massage. She is in her mid 40's and I was in my mid 30's about 4 years after becoming a widower. She is good looking for mid 40's, Mediterranean heritage, divorced, Cougar/MILF. She never offered extras nor ever gave any indication of anything ever...

So I call for an appointment, she tells me she can see me about 5. Arrive at her apartment as usual. She starts and goes through her normal session. She finishes and tells me she be right back. She goes in her room and comes back with a short silk bath robe on, walks out and tells me it is her turn. She disrobes, naked except for her thong. She has a way better than imagined rack.

So she is on the table and I start rubbing on her...tells me her life story over the next 30 minutes while on her stomach. She rolls over and I continue.

Well one thing led to first experience with a MILF. I left the next morning, completely relaxed and exhausted at the same time. Our rendevouzs continued for several months then quit when I was assigned overseas for 6 months for work. Invited her to London for a week but she would not come.

It was a great surprise and a great memory. She has remarried now and I saw her in the grocery store about 6 weeks ago. We hugged and laughed...but never again.