considering making Austin part of my tour?

rubyredd's Avatar
So I've been contemplating making Austin part of my Tour and was looking for any advice I can get as to where would be the best area for business and which areas to stay away from? I personally have never been to Austin but have heard alot about it and being that the destination is the closest to my current city it only makes sense to stop there first, so I'm looking to see if I can get any insight beforehand. I am looking to start that way within the next couple days, so it'll be real soon that I get to see y'all. Again, thanks in advance for any help/info you can provide me with
Stay in travis county and away from Mata and you'll be fine.
Not to mention stay away from wakethefuckup as well
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Not to mention stay away from wakethefuckup as well Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
wtf? you don't know me ho? wtf is your problem? i dont no why anyone would see your midget ass. move your ghetto ass down the road.
pimped tramp I walked said she was going to post a alert lol still waiting funny how the bare back chicks have such a following watch the reviews Originally Posted by wakethefuckup

Does this comment on OP's review sound familiar to anyone else?
It's ok it's been reported. Lol
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Does this comment on OP's review sound familiar to anyone else? Originally Posted by rockerrick
now what?
derek303's Avatar
Hi Ruby, we would love to see your hot little ass up here in Austin. Stay North in the Domain or arboretum area.
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Hi Ruby, we would love to see your hot little ass up here in Austin. Stay North in the Domain or arboretum area. Originally Posted by derek303

rubyredd's Avatar
Hi Ruby, we would love to see your hot little ass up here in Austin. Stay North in the Domain or arboretum area. Originally Posted by derek303
Well thank you babe for your interest, compliments and of course the insight as to where to go!! I look forward to playing with you within the near future (2 days) I hope that works into your windows of opportunity. Talk to you soon baby! what would you desire session wise? length, special request I would love to meet me a cool, new awesome Austin friend
We would love to have you hear just be smart when booking as you can see I am followed by my fan club of trolls. Best way o deal with it so yo not answer. Welcome and be safe.
Beware of the rapist ^^^^^
DallasRain's Avatar
Have fun in Austin baby!