POLL: 65% See Gun Rights As Protection Against Tyranny

Two-out-of-three Americans recognize that their constitutional right to own a gun was intended to ensure their freedom.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults think the purpose of the Second Amendment is to make sure that people are able to protect themselves from tyranny. Only 17% disagree, while another 18% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Trendie, ol' sport, the human brain gets wrinkles in it as more and more knowledge is acquired and experience gained. I'm sorry to report that your brain is as smooth as a new born baby's butt except for the singular deep crevice running down the right side that contains all of your idiotic, paranoid bullsh*t.

NO ONE of all of us alleged "libtards" have argued for complete removal of all guns from all people. I, however, am willing to make an exception for you and a couple of your Teawipe buds (and the budette) on the grounds of gross incompetence and general overall mental feebleness.

Why don't you go have JDCornyhole wipe your ass with his gym floor mop? You've been mainlining COGrits' grits too long.
You liberals don't like the fact that the 2nd Amendment exists for the purpose of protecting citizens against a tyrannical government; you want the low-information voters to think it exists to protect deer hunters and target shooting enthusiasts.
This goes back to the fact that when a Government Official takes an oath of office, he swears to defend and uphold the Constitutuion of The United States.
No where does it say "only the parts you agree with".

The 2d Amendment is The Law of The Land. The Supreme Court has upheld it numerous times as being exactly what it says, "The Rights of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

It is the responsibility of every elected official, from The President on down, to uphold the Laws.

The more the message gets out that The 2d Amendment was put in place so that the People could defend against Tyranny, the more support there will be for The Bill of Rights.

Every time a dipshit Polititian gets on TV and says "deer hunters do not need semi auto rifles", he should be called out as an ignorant ass who knows nothing about why The Constitution and why The 2d Amendment is there.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, dumb-dip-shit Trendie-girl, your memory ain't any longer than your dick. What I said earlier goes for your above, lightweight attempt at a "gotcha," too.

Looks like most of the "freedom fighting" is being done by shooters at malls, movie theaters, schools and, of course, mad bombers like your heroes McVeigh and Koresh. It's nice if you preppers, neo-Nazis and other cultists want to play army, but why don't ou go play it with each other instead of involving innocent people in your malevolent stupidity?

I'll rent the freaking Rose Bowl for you klowns if you'd like to have a shoot-out with each other.
You liberals don't like the fact that the 2nd Amendment exists for the purpose of protecting citizens against a tyrannical government; you want the low-information voters to think it exists to protect deer hunters and target shooting enthusiasts. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

there are probably as many gun owning, hunting ,sport shooting liberals as conservatives But mud sling is your forte..
Doubtful...but you have proof ...please post.....all the same 65% believe 2nd Ammd exists to protect us from tyranny....
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Same pollster that had Romney winning nationally.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Doubtful...but you have proof ...please post.....all the same 65% believe 2nd Ammd exists to protect us from tyranny.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If I was asked the question, I would agree. However, the 2nd Amendment does not give every person the right to carry any weapon at any time in any place. Many Supreme Court decisions back this up.

Do you really think you will ever need your firepower to protect yourself from tyranny? If I had to list the top 1,000 worries I have in life, protecting myself from tyranny would be at the bottom, if it even made the list. I would rather have the 2nd Amendment tell me exactly what rights I have as an individual to protect myself, my family, and my property from others. And since there are so many lawsuits brought up concerning such rights, I don't think the 2nd Amendment is very effective in defining those rights.
The second amendment isn't exclusive to protecting one's home and family; as the survey indicates most believe it is intended protect us against a tyrannical government.

The amendment only mentions "arms" - note NOT firearms. So however, that gets defined. I hope in the future it comes to include fully automatic and other munitions.

If I was asked the question, I would agree. However, the 2nd Amendment does not give every person the right to carry any weapon at any time in any place. Many Supreme Court decisions back this up.

Do you really think you will ever need your firepower to protect yourself from tyranny? If I had to list the top 1,000 worries I have in life, protecting myself from tyranny would be at the bottom, if it even made the list. I would rather have the 2nd Amendment tell me exactly what rights I have as an individual to protect myself, my family, and my property from others. And since there are so many lawsuits brought up concerning such rights, I don't think the 2nd Amendment is very effective in defining those rights. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Doubtful...but you have proof ...please post.....all the same 65% believe 2nd Ammd exists to protect us from tyranny.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

To quote the COG I don't have to prove I'm right you have to prove I;m wrong.
Nope; you made a claim that is likely false.....so the burden is on you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-18-2013, 04:19 PM
Nope; you made a claim that is likely false.....so the burden is on you. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

prove it
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"The second amendment isn't exclusive to protecting one's home and family; as the survey indicates most believe it is intended protect us against a tyrannical government."

I already said I fully agree with the survey. What the 2nd Amendment is not clear on, based on the number of lawsuits brought through the court system all the way to the SCOTUS, is what it means to an individual's gun rights.

"The amendment only mentions "arms" - note NOT firearms. So however, that gets defined. I hope in the future it comes to include fully automatic and other munitions."

Ain't gonna happen. You can take that to the bank.