Where have all the good times gone?

averageguy12367's Avatar
Is it just me or does it seem like the Tyler/Longview area is becoming less populated with providers? Seems it wasn't that long ago that Texas North and East had quite a few ladies in the area. Now when I search, most listings are for Beaumont and there are a lot that, though not in Dallas city limits, are really in Dallas. What happened? Someone please clue me in.
  • JJ69
  • 07-23-2019, 05:04 PM
I know a lot of providers complain of people in the area getting cold feet when the time actually comes.
Everything is always changing. My hobby habits and interest have changed just over 3 short hobby years. I've slowed down and don't chase as much. The market has also changed.

We can all sit around and long for the good ole days but I can promise they are long gone. We can only adapt to an ever changing future.

I feel Beaumont has always been a much busier area. Even back in the BackPage days, it seemed they had more hobbiest and more options. I think the I-10 Corridor just has a larger amount of traffic than the I-20 Corridor.

Back a few years ago, I remember always wanting something different, more options. I always wanted things bigger and better and hotter. I have come to really appreciate what I have already found. I am content now with simply visiting old friends and occasionally finding a new one.
mrredcat43's Avatar
As somebody who played in the area on a regular basis up until 2 years ago, I agree with you, OP. In the past, there were more providers active, as well as UTR. As soon as I moved, I scaled back on my playing. Some of these providers are still around, they just don't post ads hardly at all.

OP, get your shovel out and start digging
TexTushHog's Avatar
Rural areas aren’t sharing in the ten year Obama bull market like urban areas are. And while it’s now officially the longest bull market in American history, it’s running out of steam. Both Congress and the Fed are working hard to see that the next recession doesn’t come in an election year, but that going to take a lot of stimulus, and more than just rate cuts, to accomplish. Things are booming in Dallas, and even more so in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I spend a fair amount of time. But over 80% of the job and prosperity gains in the past ten years have cone in areas that only have 20% of the population. Regions that didm\n’t invest in higher education and workers with tech skills are sucking hind tit, and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.
I agree with a lot of what has been said here; living in Beaumont and seeing how well it's economy has thrived over the last decade its understandable why a lot of hobby girls have moved here. With the high amount of good paying plant jobs there is a steady stream of business for them.
What Beaumont is lacking is professional food industry workers! Either you have a good job making good $$$ or you have a shit job making shit $$$ in Beaumont.
At the same time it would be nice to see a higher class of ECCIE ladies, the one's that demand and earn a higher compensation, stay in Beaumont as opposed to traveling the area.
The one that do stay here seem to lack certain qualities or have bad habits that make them less desirable.
  • jwood
  • 07-25-2019, 09:22 AM
I used to travel to Longview, Tyler and Texarkana. 10 yrs ago you could always, ALWAYS, find a nice lady in one of these places. Not so much now.