CDC admits vaccines don’t work

texassapper's Avatar

If a fully vaccinated person has a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, recommends getting tested 3-5 days after exposure and wearing a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative result.

I’m other words, proceed as if you were not vaccinated because the vaccine doesn’t work.

😂. You took that shot for nothing
bambino's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
It works for the vaccinated. You think it doesn't work, because the vaccinated can still get Covid and pass it to you. You were hoping enough people would get vaccinated, so the virus would be halted via herd immunity. Now you're mad that didn't work out for you.

Stop making Donald Trump your Wizard, and get vaccinated.
A fucking joke. Originally Posted by bambino
This is ridiculous. You can't Sue the vaccine Company for adverse reactions whether they are temporary or permanent. But you can be paid One Hundred Dollars as an incentive to take the vaccine and take your chances. Kind of reminds me of a Carnival Game, "Step Right Up".
It works for the vaccinated. You think it doesn't work, because the vaccinated can still get Covid and pass it to you. You were hoping enough people would get vaccinated, so the virus would be halted via herd immunity. Now you're mad that didn't work out for you.

Stop making Donald Trump your Wizard, and get vaccinated. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
A little over Ten Percent of the Population has already contracted Covid. That leaves about 85% who haven't that is Herd Immunity.
texassapper's Avatar
It works for the vaccinated. You think it doesn't work, because the vaccinated can still get Covid and pass it to you. You were hoping enough people would get vaccinated, so the virus would be halted via herd immunity. Now you're mad that didn't work out for you.

Stop making Donald Trump your Wizard, and get vaccinated. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
learn to read Chung. The CDC is specifically saying if you have been vaxxed and are exposed to someone with COVID you need to get retested mask and isolate. They aren’t saying that because you can’t get COVID again… otherwise there would be no reason to retest if the only negative was that you could pass it.

The vaccine is dangerous and doesn’t work as well as advertised.

I’m not relying on herd immunity. I’m relying on not being a pussy.
bambino's Avatar
It works for the vaccinated. You think it doesn't work, because the vaccinated can still get Covid and pass it to you. You were hoping enough people would get vaccinated, so the virus would be halted via herd immunity. Now you're mad that didn't work out for you.

Stop making Donald Trump your Wizard, and get vaccinated. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If you say so
winn dixie's Avatar
When the vaccinated start growing tails or gills will that vaccine still be successful?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Some of you guys are clueless.

Being vaccinated does not mean you can't catch it. It only means you won't get really sick cause your body is prepared for a cage fight inside your body.

And in the meantime, you're a carrier and can spread it.

Those two sentences are the deal.

Ok, any ex military that have been to central or south America? Or mid or south Africa? Do you remember the bucket load of innoculations you got shot up with? And we still caught various crap.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I chose not to take the vaccine, but I also chose to be a pussy and quarantine myself.

So, not all unvaccinated people are going around spreading the virus. In fact, there are a lot of vaccinated people doing that.
Some of you guys are clueless.

Being vaccinated does not mean you can't catch it. It only means you won't get really sick cause your body is prepared for a cage fight inside your body.

And in the meantime, you're a carrier and can spread it.

Those two sentences are the deal.

Ok, any ex military that have been to central or south America? Or mid or south Africa? Do you remember the bucket load of innoculations you got shot up with? And we still caught various crap. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
There's a cage fight inside your body all the time. The Immune System is always on high alert. A well detoxified body can pretty much handle anything.
Chung Tran's Avatar
learn to read Chung. The CDC is specifically saying if you have been vaxxed and are exposed to someone with COVID you need to get retested mask and isolate. They aren’t saying that because you can’t get COVID again… otherwise there would be no reason to retest if the only negative was that you could pass it.

The vaccine is dangerous and doesn’t work as well as advertised.

I’m not relying on herd immunity. I’m relying on not being a pussy. Originally Posted by texassapper
Learn to read.. Start with Unique Carpenter's response.

A little over Ten Percent of the Population has already contracted Covid. That leaves about 85% who haven't that is Herd Immunity. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Huh? Haven't what?

Having caught the original virus, and producing antibodies does not necessarily block the Delta. Besides that antibody response is not as strong as the vaccine as a defense.
texassapper's Avatar
Ok, any ex military that have been to central or south America? Or mid or south Africa? Do you remember the bucket load of innoculations you got shot up with? And we still caught various crap. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
The difference being those innoculations were not mRNA cell manipulation therapies. They had all been tested for dozens of years each. The vaccines stayed local to the innoculation site and did not spread out through the entire body.

And they weren't done through an illegal EUA.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why do you guys spend so much time criticizing those who try to mitigate the virus, and keep people out of hospitals and caskets? What is your solution? It will wither and die? It's a hoax? The vax has chips implanted in you?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
According to Dr. Faucet, vaccinated people contracting the delta variant have the same viral load as unvaccinated people contracting the delta variant.

Across the spectrum of viral infections, the extent of viral load has been a predictor of disease severity and progression ...