Large majority opposes Democrats' big spending bill

  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 09:39 AM

A new poll suggests that there does not appear to be widespread support for the massive $3.5 trillion spending plan that President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are trying to push through Congress.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Congressional Democrats facing tight races in 2022 could be vulnerable if they support the spending bill that Biden and Pelosi are supporting. This massive $3.5 trillion spending plan would come in addition to the bipartisan infrastructure bill being discussed. The addition will focus on expanding Medicare, climate change initiatives, and other social welfare Democratic agenda-driven programs.

No Labels, an organization that aims to encourage bipartisanship in politics, conducted a survey asking respondents if they supported this plan. “A majority (57%) of voters do not want Washington spending a total of $4.7 trillion on infrastructure, climate change, and social welfare programs and a supermajority is concerned this level of spending could hurt them directly in the form of runaway inflation, higher taxes down the line, lower economic growth or negative impacts on their family’s finances,” the survey found.
It is with good reason that voters should not support this gargantuan spending bill, financed by the government to advance agenda-driven Democratic policies. Democrats are trying to use this monstrosity of a spending bill to reshape the country through fiscal irresponsibility.
Although Democratic leaders are telling their rank-and-file that voters will reward them for supporting this bill, the opposite is more likely to happen. The Biden/Pelosi-backed bill could spell doom for congressional Democrats in close races in 2022. Another key takeaway from this poll is that people want more of these spending bills to have bipartisan support, not just to be rammed through Congress.
That said, whether it is bipartisan or not, everyone should give great pause for any spending bill that has a $3.5 trillion price tag.
Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Polling, 2022 Elections, Spending,

keep up pushing the Insanity - DPSTs who seek to overthrow representative democracy -

best have HR-1 in place up american voter collective anus by Nov 2022 - or else!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Don't forget the per mile gas / vehicle tax they ""want to look at in the bill"" ( means its coming)
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Frankly, each Infastructure item should have its own tax sourse.
Anything highway related should be in gas tax, which has not been increased for quite some time
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 05:37 PM
fiden is increasing gas prices bigly already - Up 50% or more per gallon - due to his criminal hyperspending.
and being a senile puppet of marxist fiden criminal cabal members.