Democrat Transgenders Ruin The Olympics by Blaspheming Christianity.

HoHound's Avatar

The last pic shows a tranni's testicle hanging out of his shorts. Disgusting. Do Democrats want families to see this? The Democrat Trannies ain't helping their cause by pissing off the worlds 2.5 Billion Christians. Many people who aren't Christians found the Olympics opening ceremony to be despicable. Jill Biden said it was spectacular!
Yes, I realize leftists in France aren't call Democrats. But your all part of the same club. A rose by any other name......I hope these images are fresh on peoples mind when they vote in 3 months.

The left ruins everything they touch. Rush Limbaugh
Certainly logical......isn't it?
Is blasphemy worse than fucking hookers? I don't know myself. But that is kind of my point. Judging people is a sin too I think. Last I knew anyways. I don't like these idiots either. But they don't really bother me. It is all kind of dumb.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Judging people is the purview of organized religion and conservative politics. Sometimes one and the same thing.
The Greeks, who started the original games, were some sexual freaks, themselves. Still, shouldn't be broadcasting that throughout the world for a general audience.
Is blasphemy worse than fucking hookers? I don't know myself. But that is kind of my point. Judging people is a sin too I think. Last I knew anyways. I don't like these idiots either. But they don't really bother me. It is all kind of dumb. Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt
Yeah it is. Fucking makes the world go around. Blasphemy distorts it.
I would like the same bunch to do a skit on the sexual escapades of the Prophet Muhammad.

He was involved in the type of things we are not even allowed to mention on this, a Hokker Board.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In no way was that scene a depiction of the Last Supper.

"Olympics opening ceremony tableau sparks controversy among Christian community

The opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, confirmed that Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” was not his inspiration for the performance."
In no way did it "ruin the Olympics" either. I just watched Simone Biles win Womens Gymnastics All Around Gold medal and she beat the Silver medalist by like a point and a half. Very cool! One of the best comeback stories in many years.
TechPapi's Avatar
How do you "blaspheme" bullshit? Everyone should loudly and openly mock superstition.
Are you saying that running a modern society based on a 2000 year old book written by desert nomads is not a good idea? Sounds like blasphemy to me!

I actually have a lot of respect for those that are truly devout. I am not myself. But if you are I support your views. As long as you are not a hypocrite. And don't judge. Can't do that. Even God says so.
TechPapi's Avatar
It's pretty clear at this point that the OP only watches the Olympics to find something to blame democrats for. lol. Can you imagine if he were an announcer? But since he's not, he uses this board to start threads pretending he is.

Based on his post history, it's not limited to the Olympics. No parking space at Walmart? Democrats! No scout scooter to ride around on? Democrats!

Some of us don't give a single fuck about the bibble, and watch the Olympics for what they are meant to be. Games of (hopefully) sportsmanship, er..or sportspersonship.
The Womens Gymnastics All Around final today was fantastic! Simone crushed everyone. What a comeback.
biomed1's Avatar
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Precious_b's Avatar
OP, you mean you have a problem with catholic appropriating pagan ceremonies (such as the feast of Dionysus?)

True example of hypocritical thought on display.