tumblr blog?

vidagalore's Avatar
does anyone have a tumblr blog?
has your tumblr blog ever got suspended ?
which blog platforms have an anti adult policy?
  • LynnT
  • 02-22-2012, 09:58 PM
does anyone have a tumblr blog?
has your tumblr blog ever got suspended ?
which blog platforms have an anti adult policy? Originally Posted by evagodiva
Tumblr does adult content, just mark it adult in the settings. Tumblr is a super easy blog format IMO. Wordpress isnt unless you get private WP hosting.
I use tumblr for my blog and I love it, it is easy to update and customize and their is a great sex worker community on tumblr as well. I love tumblr.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Tumblr you just have to make sure and "tell" them you're adult. Blogspot allows adult content as well. The best way to go about a blog (if you have your own domain/hosting of course) is wordpress on your own server. As long as your server/host allows adult content it's fine. I host my blog on my domain.