candle wax for foreplay????

DallasRain's Avatar
candle wax for foreplay????

anyone evrer done this?????
I actually just bought this candle at a sex shop and the wax is a mosturizer/ massage oil. It sounds hot but when it touches human skin it is really warm. It is a safer way to go then just using plain candle wax.
I LOVE candle wax as foreplay!!! Very erotic!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks babe...sounds cool..whats the name??
It is call naked in the woods massage oil and moisturizer
by earthly body.
That's incredibly important. Always check to see the temperature that your candle burns. Different candles burn at different temperatures, and an overly hot candle can do serious burns.

Hot wax + hot woman = hot time!!! Now that is Koa math! I agree that it should be a low temp wax being used for someone who hasn't experienced this type of "foreplay", then you can up the ante from there...

DallasRain's Avatar
awesome--thx everyone!
I love Wax, as foreplay or any play....
I use the cheapest candles I can find. They contain the most oil to wax mixture. More oil, lower Temp. Unless you are VERY experienced, do not by BeesWax, as it can seriously burn the skin when used for play. I also put my hand on her body, and make sure I pour the wax on me first to check temp.

When it comes to cheap candles, you have to be very careful. Some of them can be incredibly painful becuase the additives (scent in particular- but sometimes the color as well) makes it burn at a hotter temperature.

Go Ask Alice, an amazing resource for human sexuality, has this to say about candles:
Using care and common sense can help avoid waxy mishaps (like serious burns!). For starters, there are various types of wax, which have different melting points. Generally, the softer the wax the lower the melting point. The lower the melting point, the less chance you have of ending up with a nasty burn in a potentially sensitive area, so wax that's soft at room temperature is best. Paraffin wax (the kind sold in bulk for canning) melts at around 120°, votive candles around 135°, taper candles at 140° or higher, and beeswax at 145° or higher. To avoid burns, it's a good idea to stick below 125° (that means home canners are your friends!). Additives such as color, perfume, and stearic acid (used to reduce shrinking and add hardness) can increase the wax's melting point and cause skin irritation. Another thing to keep in mind, dripping wax sticks to your skin and increases the chance of burns. Holding the source of wax at least 18 inches above the skin gives the drips some time to cool. Testing on yourself (first on a less sensitive area, if your eventual goal is a more sensitive one) can help gauge safety in terms of temperature and propensity to skin irritation. Avoid the face, and be especially careful with delicate areas like the genitals, nipples, and navel.

I follow their advice and before I send out any candles I test them by burning one, and testing the melted wax with a candy thermometer.


Kinkbox |
Paraffin sweetie. In NOLA they should be all over the quarter. You can also look at stockroom etc, they sell plain white in bulk. 12-18 inches - by the time the wax 'hits' skin it cools almost instantly and tightens. Almost like an elmers glue feeling, ya know? (go to like knowledge tree or arts & craft /school supply store & buy a big thing of cheap white glue, some food colors paintbrushes and....picasso somebody's ass. literally)

For heat (pain) 12in and lower depending on what the receiver can take -as always have med kit nearby and leave marks only if appropriate. If you put say one coat of wax on a spot (or spots) from 18 in, you can lower the candle and drop hot wax on the spot that has cooled wax - heating both up again. Weird sensation - espeically if you pour in a "line" clean, wax spot, clean - makey sense? (I'm tired.)

hugs ya damn mess
Gryphon's Avatar
All of the safety points (paraffin wax, preferably without dyes or scents, dripping from 12-18", testing on oneself beforehand) have already been made. I would add that in conjunction with restraints and a blindfold, the combination of candle wax and ice can drive a sub crazy. Will the next drip be hot or cold? And how many seconds will it take her to know which it was?
Sudzny's Avatar
Wax play can be very VERY erotic. Always play it safe, test first and mind the temperature. I've had great luck with plain old white candles fromt he Grocery store. Around me in the NE they come in boxes labeled "Emergency Candles" or "Sabbath Candles" in that small section of an aisle that has like 6 feet or random hardware. Last time I bought a box I think it cost me about $5 for 25 of them.

Also, everyones been paying mentioning safety of the hot wax on skin, but let's not forget this is still fire Make sure either put them out completely or you have good stable candleholders around for when he foreplay is over. Nothing interrupts a passionate roll in the hay like the smell of smoldering carpets or curtains.
DallasRain's Avatar
awesome--I am gonna try it this week!!!!!