I faded off of writing reviews for many reasons.
a) For a couple of years, I was a staff member over on ASPD. Politics kinda dictated more discretion.
b) My exploring days became more infrequent, so why write review #50 on a well documented gal.
c) When I do write a review, it is because there is not much info out on a gal, I had a new experience for me, or I want to try something creative with a review.
I figure if someone is contributing something of value, then they are earning their keep. Paying for access, sharing knowledge or wisdom, writing reviews, stupidly serving on staff for free, or various posters publicly exposing their ass in their posts are all ways to provide info. Even the drama queens and WK's provide info: I learn from their posts who to avoid or minimize contact with and whose perceptions/tastes are similar to my own.
I think the lurkers are the smartest. If that day ever comes where the politicians go after the boards and their members for the sake of publicity, the lurkers are the safest.
My biggest pet peeve was "taking one for the team" and writing about it so others could avoid the same mistake and getting a bunch of "me too's" as replies! WTF! If the bad experiences had been posted, I could have avoided it in the first place!
Those are the guys that do a disservice for not "paying it back". Review boards were founded in part to alert the hobbyists of the ripoffs and the gals who gave poor service.
my 4 cents...