The One Thing Women Hate More Than Bad Breath

The One Thing Women Hate More Than Bad Breath

There is something that some women hate more than bad breath: nose hair. That’s right. Women despise nose hair just as much as bad breath. Exactly how long is the nose hair we’re talking about?

A Men’s Health article cited a recent survey it conducted by asking more than 400 Women’s Health readers if they would rather meet a guy at the bar with terrible breath or visible strands (or tufts) of nose hair. They found that 46% of women would rather talk to a guy whose mouth smells like a garlic-y sewer than a guy who has a few nose hairs sticking out. This sounds a little extreme because nothing is worse than a person who smells.

Men’s Health also polled its male readers on the nose-hair situation: 43% said “I use a nose trimmer,” 26% said “I trim it with facial hair scissors,” about 23% said “I tweeze it. Beauty is pain,” while only 2% said they don’t have to deal with nose hair. According to an editor’s note, the 28% who responded “other” claim to pluck their nose hair with their fingers. My own nose just twitched in pain.

So, what’s a guy to do? Well, if you’re interested in attracting the opposite sex, it’s best to take care of your nose hair. Don’t let nature take its course on that note. Although the hair in your nostrils does serve a great evolutionary purpose — keeping foreign particles from entering your body — visible nose hair is pretty useless — unless you’re going for that uncivilized-caveman look, and are also interested in repelling the fairer sex.

The majority of men (or at least the majority of Men’s Health readers) do carry out some sort of nasal manscaping with common removal tools, such as grooming scissors or electric trimmers. And men should use these trimmers as often as necessary to remove visible hair, said Craig Whitely, one of Hollywood’s leading male image and grooming consultants. It’s pretty simple (if you don’t know how to handle a trimmer), pinch your nose and twist it to the left, then let your grooming scissors cut off whatever hair is exposed. Repeat on the right side. It’s simple, painless, and you’re instantly more attractive.

“A lot of research has shown it’s okay to remove more, but to protect yourself from things like allergies and pollen, I say it’s best to leave everything you can’t see,” Whitely says.

He’s also against using a battery-powered trimmer, mostly because it can die mid-turn, snagging your poor little nose hairs while the battery fades. “I’ve heard the horror stories, and that’s enough for me,” Whitely says.

If clipping is not challenging or painless enough for you, you can tweeze. This works if you only have a few hairs to deal with. As you already know, or will soon find out, it’s very painful, but there is an upside to doing it: You’ll need to trim less often, and it’s easier to maintain. Just make sure to clean your tweezers beforehand to reduce your risk of infection. Grip it at the root and give it one quick pull. It’s going to hurt, and you will definitely flinch and let out a small yelp, but hey, then it’s over with. Until you have to go on to the next one. Go for one at a time and just don’t use your fingers. That’s grosser than having protruding nostril hairs to begin with.


pyramider's Avatar
I would have thought it would be empty wallets.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I'm sorrry bad breath beats over a nose hair ,,,,
lovestwospooge's Avatar
I think my nose hair is sexy.
pyramider's Avatar
My nasal dreadlocks are looking good ...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Anybody can have nose hair. But like pyramider says, not everyone takes the trouble to braid it.
roaringfork's Avatar
As my age has increases, my total amount of hair remains constant. It's just that progressively less of it grows on the top of my head. -- (First Law of Bodyhair Conservation)
Hercules's Avatar
I trim my nose hair just right so it's in tune with my burping and farting while I sleep.
Oh yea, I always take a look in the mirror for those rascals. As a man gets older, hair starts growing everywhere : Shoulders, back, ears, nose.

Anytime I want to visit a provider, I do try to look and smell my best. I think of it as a first date: I want a chance at a second.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Anybody can have nose hair. But like pyramider says, not everyone takes the trouble to braid it. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ah. It's truly the little things that make such a difference!
I'm confused . . .did Pyramider just get called "Truly . . .the Little Thing"?
One far easier solution. Mustache
I can go for nose hair but the bad breath um no. I'm trying to get in the mood and you are trying to kiss and stick your nasty tongue in my mouth makes my stomach turn. And yes I am a smoker but you will never know that cause I carry a toothbrush and paste around and mints. Please keep it fresh for me lol.