Selling her virginity

pickupkid's Avatar
Bobave's Avatar
"She said: 'So is it really worth more than 2.3 million euro to give my virginity to a man who might eventually leave me anyway? To be honest, I do not believe it.'

'I wanted to sell my virginity with Cinderella Escorts rather than giving it to a future friend who might have left me anyway,' she told The Star. 'And I think many other girls have the same attitude."
Couple of things -

"The teenager added that she is not afraid of the stranger as the agency has said she can 'break off' the meeting at any time".

Does the stranger get his money back if she does?

But mostly, who in the fuck wants a virgin? I had half a dozen virgins when I was a youngster, and mostly what I remember is a whole lot of them not knowing how to do anything, and crying. Lots of crying.
If I had only known...smh I would be rich. Chaching. Lol
Satyrrical's Avatar
Virgins, meh.
Gotyour6's Avatar
She was called beautiful too many times as a child
burkalini's Avatar
Although a special event to the girl I have been with 3 virgins in my life and the actual sex part was anything but special. To spend a lot of money on them is just fucking stupid.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Two virgins here and was offered another chance and passed.
I figure let someone else deal with the bullshit afterwards.

The funny part is they think it is a big deal. To an older guy it just a bunch of bullshit tied to it.