Providers in butler pa

Hello people reading this. I was wondering if anyone has any info of any providers around butler pa. Its a hassle driving 45min into Pittsburgh to see a provider. thanks
You could try Susie. She’s on SA now. She was a train wreck a few years ago but looks much better now and has cleaned her act up. I’m sure someone has a link to her profile.
Most of the girls I see when I visit the area I reach out to on social media from a fake profile. That’s honestly your best bet. There are some research apps and the like you can use that allows you to make a very educated guess on who will and who won’t provide.
Care to share your little "blckstuff" book?
PM me.
I work in the area. Would be curious on any info. I saw Suzy years ago while visiting her mom.
  • Dlh
  • 06-22-2021, 12:22 PM
Id take any info in the area also... its dead....